Help the Marines

Help the Marines

Those wanting to help the armed services can bypass the bureaucracy. The Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA offers a wide range of programs for Marines, Sailors and their families stationed at Camp Pendleton, and donations keep the programs going.

Mission Viejo resident Ann Hagerty began raising awareness two years ago by collecting money for Thanksgiving dinners for Marine families. Ann raised funds for the Camp Pendleton YMCA and told residents how to participate in a direct and simple way – just write a check. The Armed Services YMCA also sponsors after-school programs, bicycle giveaways, transportation, recreation and support groups. To find out about other programs the YMCA sponsors, go to

YMCA Executive Director G.B. Brown writes, “With strong support from the community, we are able to continue our mission of enhancing and improving the quality of life for our military families.”

Donations may be mailed to Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA, Box 555028, Bldg. 16144, Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5028.