Have a Merry Christmas Week
Here’s a sampling of non-government events for the coming week.
- Dec. 21, “Holiday Organ Spectacular,” 8:00 p.m., Pacific Symphony, Orange County Performing Arts Center, Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, Costa Mesa, sacred and holiday music, $25 and up, 714.755.5799, PacificSymphony.org
- Through Dec. 23, Maple Youth Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” Northwood Performing Arts Theatre in Irvine, $20 and up, 949.660.9930, http://mapleconservatory.com
- Through Dec. 24, Festival Ballet’s “The Nutcracker,” Irvine Barclay Theatre, $35-$40, 949.854.4646, http://thebarclay.org
- Through Dec. 26, “Daddy Long Legs,” The Laguna Playhouse, $36 and up, 949.497.2787, http://lagunaplayhouse.com
- Through Jan. 2, “The Science of Gingerbread,” hands-on activities, $9.95 to $12.95, The Discovery Science Center, 2500 N. Main St., Santa Ana, 714-542-CUBE (2823), http://discoverycube.org
- Through Jan. 6, Exhibit, The San Clemente Art Association, free, 100 N. Calle Seville, 949.492.7175, http://scartgallery.com
- Through March 2011, Lewis & Clark Exhibit at the Mission, San Juan Capistrano, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., 949.234.1315, http://Missionsjc.com
- Through June 2011, Exhibit: “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” The Irvine Museum, 18881 Von Karman, Suite 100, Irvine, free parking and free admission. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., 949.476.2565, http://irvinemuseum.org
School Update
While the Capo school district had a contentious election on Nov. 2, the Saddleback district quietly replaced two of its five trustees. Because Dolores Winchell and Dennis Walsh were the only candidates for two open seats on the SVUSD board, no election was held. The two new trustees replaced longtime board members Dore Gilbert and Nancy Kirkpatrick. Both Winchell and Walsh reside in Lake Forest.
Even when school districts weren’t facing severe financial cuts or battles with the teachers union, few challengers ran for the board of trustees in either district. Beyond the question of who is qualified to lead, who wants the job?
On Dec. 13, Jonathan Volzke posted an article on the Capistrano Dispatch, about the state’s projected $28-billion shortfall for the next 18 months http://capistranoinsider.typepad.com/beyond_the_blackboard/ . Volzke noted that 40 percent of the state’s funding goes to education, which has been cut $21 billion in the last two years.
The CUSD board of trustees will vote in February on a proposal by Oxford Academy for a charter school. The concept was reported on this blog on Oct. 30 http://www.missionviejoca.org/News/2010_Q4/2010_10_30/article4/article4.htm . Mission Viejo resident Julie Collier wrote, “I wanted to let you know about a unique opportunity for CUSD students. Oxford Preparatory Academy Chino Charter School is looking to start a K-8 school called Oxford Preparatory Academy South Orange County next fall in CUSD. Even though CUSD has great schools and teachers, some of you may be interested in a different choice for your children.”
Oxford’s proposal was presented to CUSD last week. In 2009, SVUSD rejected a similar proposal from Oxford after stating concerns about how a charter school would impact the district’s finances. Oxford Academy officials began accepting non-binding applications for enrollment two months ago, and they reported receiving more than 1,100 applications. Location of the charter school proposed for CUSD has not been announced.
Pass It On
Message forwarded by Kris H.
I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year. It is my way of saying that I am celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. So, I am asking my email buddies, if you agree with me, to please do the same. And if you'll pass this on to your email buddies, and so on, maybe we can prevent one more tradition from being lost in the sea of political correctness.
A Blog is Born
Mission Viejo has a new blog, http://missionviejo.patch.com
Mission Viejo Patch editor Pete Schelden emailed an announcement on Dec. 16:
“I want to tell everybody on my mailing list that the new news website missionviejo.patch.com was born today at 5 p.m. It is utterly weightless and it’s about as many inches tall as your computer monitor. Please visit, comment, and enjoy. Warm Wishes and Holiday Cheer, Pete Schelden, 949-280-4719, http://missionviejo.patch.com , twitter.com/missionvpatch, facebook.com/missionviejopatch”
Patch, a nationwide enterprise owned by AOL, has started websites in South County cities. The local effort wants to bring daily newspaper journalism back to cities the Register has largely abandoned. Each Patch city has a full-time editor/reporter, as well as freelancers and columnists.
Those who visit Patch’s website can find an array of news, sports and articles about local events. Former readers of Saddleback Valley News have complained that SVN lacks a connection with the community, and it substitutes city-written press releases for news articles. SVN’s letters to the editor are reprints of letters sent to the OC Register by South County residents about state and national politics.
County Will Redraw Districts
OC Supervisor Bill Campbell’s Dec. 17 newsletter described the county’s process of redrawing the lines of its supervisorial districts. Campbell and OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen reported the recommendations of the Redistricting Ad Hoc Committee. The 2011 committee will follow the same guidelines as those used in the 2001 redistricting process. Each supervisor will appoint one executive assistant and one alternate to the redistricting committee.
As part of Campbell and Nguyen’s recommendations, they suggested that those appointed to the committee would be asked to affirm they will not run for the board of supervisors in the 2012 or 2014 Primary or General Elections. Campbell added that this clause would prevent potential candidates from furthering their own political interests. However, the board of supervisors voted down the clause 3-2.
Campbell wrote, “The Committee will conduct its first meeting within 30 days, by January 13. All Committee meetings will be public hearings, subject to the Brown Act.”
The report of the Redistricting Ad Hoc Committee can be found at http://cams.ocgov.com/Web_Publisher/Agenda12_14_2010_files/images/O00210-001785A.PDF
The Buzz
OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen gave birth to her first child on Dec. 15. Thomas Bonikowski III arrived at 12:46 p.m., weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces. Blog writer Art Pedrosa commented, “This took me by surprise! I had no idea that Nguyen was pregnant. Congratulations to her and her husband [Tom] Bonikowski, who also serves as a Planning Commissioner in the city of Garden Grove.” Read Pedrosa’s post at http://newsantaana.com/2010/12/17/supervisor-janet-nguyen-gives-birth-to-her-first-child
Clunker math, forwarded by MissionViejoCA.org founder Carl Schulthess: Think of it this way, a clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year. A vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons a year. So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce U.S. gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year. They claim 700,000 vehicles, so that's 224 million gallons saved per year. That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil, and 5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of U.S. consumption. More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars. So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million. We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.
Blog reader comment that inspired this week’s editorial cartoon: “Santa [in the city display] looks like he is exhaling whirls of smoke through his nose. What a fine example for the children. Wonder what Santa has in those packages in the sleigh? Also, the plastic junk is already deteriorating. The colored coating is peeling off on one of the reindeer. I wonder how much it will cost the taxpayers to refurbish/replace this crass insult to the true meaning of Christmas. The extensive plastic junk display at city hall sits out in the rain, seen by few and enjoyed by fewer. What a profound message for all!”
In the same category (city government insulting the public) is the display of graphics on pillars along Crown Valley Parkway and Marguerite Parkway south of Crown Valley. The geniuses at city hall have added huge lanterns to the stone outhouses in a row on the medians. The outhouses are ugly, the graphics on the outhouses are ugly, and putting lanterns on the outhouses is laughable. What will city hall do next as an attempt to ameliorate these eyesores?
A blog reader reported several weeks ago that roadwork along Los Alisos Blvd. is failing. Areas of the top level of asphalt are coming off, and holes are developing. Residents who checked the street last week said that large, rectangular patches have been added, possibly after the initial complaint appeared on this blog. According to the initial information, the damage on Los Alisos extended east from Muirlands to Santa Margarita Parkway. Rainy weather this month will likely demonstrate the poor quality of other roadwork and the inadequate preparation of streets for resurfacing. Residents who live near the resurfaced streets reported that the underlying damage was covered up with slurry instead of making proper repairs.
The state’s Redistricting Commission has until Aug. 15, 2011, to redraw California’s assembly, senate and congressional districts. The 14-member commission is in place, and the final maps must meet the approval of at least nine members to pass.
On New Year’s Eve, ride the bus without charge. The Orange County Transportation Authority will provide fixed-route bus service on all routes between 6:00 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day. OCTA gave no indication of how many riders it expected to serve on New Year’s Eve, but any effort to prevent revelers from driving will help.
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