The Scoop on

The Scoop on

Pete Schelden, editor of Mission Viejo’s newest blog, the Patch (, describes his background: “I’ve been covering news since high school in one form or another, which means I have about 15 years of schooling and practical application of the art of gathering and reporting the news. I worked for the OC Register for 2 1/2 years covering San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Beach and Aliso Viejo, and now I’m fully committed to Mission Viejo’s news needs.”

Schelden’s bio on Patch’s website states his hometown is Boulder City, Nevada, and his birthday is Dec. 8. He says, “At some time or another I've lived in Costa Mesa, San Clemente, Long Beach, Yucaipa, Escondido and Banning, and now I live in Mission Viejo. I spent 10 years in Nevada, too, and split my time pretty equally between the southern part of the state near Las Vegas and the more northerly quarters near Reno. Reno is where I got my bachelor's degree, from the University of Nevada's Reynolds School of Journalism. Later, I got a master's degree in English literature, with a focus on 18th-century British writing.”

What are his political beliefs? Shelden responds, “?My politics are pretty complicated, and they've changed from time to time. When I was 18, I wasn't happy with either Democrats or Republicans, and I first registered to vote as a Libertarian. Some of the values of my youth are what directed me into journalism in the first place. I want to make sure people who hold power are responsible and ethical, and that they consider the needs of the people they serve before considering their own interests.? Now, I'm an independent voter, and I've voted for candidates from both major parties at different times. The most important thing to me is that a political idea makes sense, does more good than harm, and helps improve society.”

About his religion, Shelden says, “I was raised in the Calvary Baptist tradition, which as a church is one of the many Orange County contributions to Protestantism. I'm tolerant of all religions and have read bits and pieces of many of the major religious texts, including the Book of Mormon, the Bhagavad Gita, ?the Koran, the writings attributed to Confucius and others. I'm most familiar with the Bible, though, and I'm especially interested in the history and culture within which its many books were written.”

Shelden adds, “I like to read and love following the news, so I guess I'm in the right profession. I also like to listen to music, enjoy good food and the company of friends, but who doesn't? Mostly, I enjoy finding out what makes people tick. So, that's my story. And if you have one to tell, I hope you'll share it with me.”

Sheldon described Patch’s mission, “We aim to be an unbiased source of news and information for the community. And we want to run fun, interesting columns from people with diverse viewpoints around the community. is a new way to learn more about, and participate in, what’s going on near you, in towns and neighborhoods across the United States.

”Our content is created by full-time, professional local journalists, photographers, and videographers, along with residents who want to participate in discussions, post information and announcements, and get involved in their communities.

”Featuring comprehensive and trusted local news and information as well as user interaction and engagement between business owners and consumers, Patch aims to be the most helpful local online news and information platform, by merging technology with professional journalism and user participation.

”Patch is now in over 600 communities in 20 states, and it hired more journalists in the United States than any other company in 2010.

”Warren Webster is the president of Patch Media. Brian Farnham is the editor-in-chief. With a small operational team in New York City and nearly 900 editors coast to coast, Patch is poised to become the largest local online news platform available in the country.”