Entitlement Mentality by Voters United
I heard about “Entitlement Mentality” when watching the last Mission Viejo City Council meeting. It was pointed out that through the years of Mission Viejo progressing to reach its planned population, the people and certain members of the city council have developed a mentality that expects the city to provide everything that the citizens desire. Kind of the way Senator John Edwards operated, as shown below.

You could add to his list the entitlement items identified at the city council meeting. They were the “Dog Park” that could easily be funded by the large number of Mission Viejo dog homeowners if they really and truly needed it. The other was the addition of one more tennis court at the Marguerite Tennis Center, along with upgrading the facilities to be up to country club standards. That would cost the taxpayers an “incredible” $3.7 million. Does anyone want to bet that the construction will not ever exceed that amount? I’ll take that bet!
It’s time we the majority of voters in Mission Viejo do something about this unnecessary spending. The incumbent city council members who were reelected by a minority of voters are going to continue entitlements until we use up all the city’s resources. We the majority need to go to the city council meetings and voice our concerns now, before it’s too late.
The council was requested to modify these entitlements by taking the responsibility to back away from the present mentality using the three R’s:
- Rethink the entitlements
- Review the entitlements
- Refuse the entitlements
If you can’t make it to the meetings, then send emails to the meetings as suggested by the mayor. He wants to have us ask questions during real time at the meetings, and that is what we are going to do until they give in to our demands.
After all, “The city belongs to all of us – not just the people in our city council chamber.”
Here is the email address provided at the meeting: councilcomments@cityofmissionviejo.org
Thank you, Voters United
P.S. Does anyone know the approximate number of citizens who watch the Channel 30 telecast of the meetings?