Save the Date, April 15

Save the Date, April 15

Mission Viejo Tea Party Patriots will reunite on April 15 for a Tax Day protest. The city’s first April 15 Tea Party in 2009 drew more than 600 people. In 2010, more than 700 attended the Tax Day rally.

The Tea Party will take place on the street corners at La Paz and Marguerite. The corners of this intersection have become the traditional spot to protest high taxes, overgrown government and elected officials who don’t listen.

This year, the Republican Party of Orange County will join Saddleback Republican Assembly in hosting the event, which will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Tea Party Patriots are planning a spirited rally with patriotic music and speakers.

Save the date, Friday, April 15. Participants are invited to bring signs and American flags. Information about the program will follow.