Tea Partiers Reunite in Mission Viejo

Tea Partiers Reunite in Mission Viejo
Press Release

Mission Viejo, CA, April 3, 2011 -- Tea Partiers will hold a Tax Day Protest in Mission Viejo on April 15 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Republican Party of Orange County and Saddleback Republican Assembly will host the event.

The Tea Party will take place on the street corners of La Paz Road and Marguerite Parkway. The corners of the intersection have become a popular spot to protest high taxes and overgrown government. Mission Viejo's first April 15 Tea Party in 2009 drew more than 600 people. In 2010, more than 700 attended the Tax Day rally.

Phil Steinhauer of Mission Viejo is involved in planning the third annual Tea Party in his city. He said he anticipates a spirited event with music, speakers and an enthusiastic response from attendees.

As the Tea Party's purpose, Steinhauer explained, "We're trying to get the attention of Sacramento and Washington, D.C. We can't fix our broken state unless we cut spending and lower taxes. We need to turn back Obamacare and protect our country from criminal invasion."

Tea Party organizers will provide a variety of protest signs at the event. They also encourage attendees to bring signs and American flags to wave."

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