TCA – Spinning the 241 by Dale Tyler
I recently found a bright-yellow piece hanging from my doorknob. It was titled “Let's Complete the 241.” The paragraph that followed was made up of so many outright lies and half-truths that I could hardly believe the lengths they would go to try, once again, to pull a fast one on the people of Orange County.
Let's dissect what they said in their advertisement. “The I-5 is the only major artery in and out of South O.C.” They start with a truth, but leave one thing unsaid – that the I-5 is and will remain the only way to San Diego County, even if they get their way. Remember this, as it bears on falsehoods they claim later.
Next they say “When the 5's going nowhere, neither are we.” This is clearly false. There are parallel routes all the way from south of San Clemente up through the El Toro Y. Streets like Moulton Parkway, Marguerite and PCH all provide ways for people to travel north and south, even if the I-5 was completely blocked. .Another major arterial, La Pata is due to be completed soon, and this will provide even more parallel capacity. The 241 is simply not needed, especially south of the 74/Cow Camp Road.
They say “And traffic's only going to get worse.” Of course traffic will increase, and this will mean added delay unless the I-5 is expanded as proposed in the OCTA Major Investment Study. The 241 will do little to relieve the additional traffic, because it does not go where most people want to drive to. How many actual trips will occur between Riverside and San Clemente? Very few.
Next they say “Today driving from San Clemente to Mission Viejo takes about 20 minutes. Soon it'll be an hour.” First, one has to guess about the endpoints of that hypothetical trip. The fact they were not more specific lets them claim almost any numbers. However, I have seen no traffic study that would support the claim that a trip that takes 20 minutes now will triple to 60 minutes “soon.” This is typical TCA propaganda. Throw out figures with little or no factual support and see if people believe you.
Next “But if we finish what we started, the same drive will take 16 minutes on the 241 and only 25 minutes on the I-5!” If one assumes that they are driving to the 241 and Los Alisos in far eastern Mission Viejo, on the way to Riverside, they might be correct about the 16-minute trip. However, as stated above, that's a trip few wish to make. Not zero, mind you, but an insignificant percentage of total trips. The TCA uses plausible data about a very small number of trips to try and fool you that the average trip would be improved. Further, they try and claim credit for reducing delay on the I-5 when they have opposed any expansion of the I-5, because it would take drivers off their toll road.
Next “Plus provide a crucial alternate route.” The 241 does not provide any significant alternate routes that are not already covered by the major arterials mentioned above. In addition, it would not help at all if a tsunami or other disaster struck the San Onofre power plant or I-5 as it goes through Camp Pendleton. This is because the 241 joins the I-5 in the San Onofre area, and it can't fix the huge bottleneck in southbound traffic at all. Only San Diego County can improve the I-5 in that area.
It should be clear the TCA is up to its old tricks. Their existing toll roads have nearly gone bankrupt due to lack of traffic. They promised us that the taxpayers of OC would get the toll roads free and clear when the bonds were paid off. With this extension, they will get to collect tolls from us for another 30 years and will delay keeping their promise until this new boondoggle is paid off. In addition, the TCA has consistently opposed building new freeways and widening existing ones to relieve traffic delays. The TCA cares about only one thing – lining their pockets at our expense. Contact the OCTA and your City Councils to tell them how you feel. NO on the 241 extension.
Nullify Obamacare Bob Serrao, www.intodaysenglish.com
Nullification: to render invalid; to deprive of legal force of efficacy. State and individual sovereignty are at the heart of nullification. First, a few questions regarding State and Federal structures...
Constitutionally and historically, do the States turn over full sovereignty to the government? Does the government trump States’ rights by the so-called “supremacy clause” (Article VI, Clause 2)? If the answer to these two questions is “yes,” then the will of the people is of secondary importance and must defer to the mandates of Obamacare.
If “no,” then the States retain their sovereignty as separate Republics (Article IV, Section 4) and balance power with the centralized government and have every right to nullify state-run healthcare. Article IV shows that the United States is a compound Republic, that is, a Republic (Federal) of Republics (States). Furthermore, States and individual rights are the a priori source of power of the government – "…governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," Declaration of Independence.
9th Amendment – "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Centralized government shall not abuse Constitutional authority to invalidate nor run roughshod over citizens’ God-given inalienable rights (life, liberty or pursuit of happiness) or their civil rights (freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition for redress," Declaration and Amendments.
10th Amendment – "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In other words, the individual States or their people hold sovereign authority where the Constitution has no domain or is not violated. This deals with the traditions and longstanding values of the people of each State.
(Note: Since the rights clearly set forth in the Declaration of Independence and defended by the Constitution are God-given, the Founders understood that any assault on these endowments or the citizens is an affront to Almighty God Himself and fit for retribution.)
WE THE PEOPLE are the creators, interpreters and ultimate custodians of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, the people hold final authority regarding the limits of centralized Government. And, when Government deviates from the Constitution and fails to secure these rights by tyranny, WE THE PEOPLE need to take action. Now, we should request our States’ Legislators (Attorneys General) to interpose the State to protect us and nullify unconstitutional legislation.
STATE SOVEREIGNTY Every U.S. State has the right to nullify (invalidate) any federal law which it deems unconstitutional. Texans v Obamacare http://www.notintexas.org/products/nullification.htm & http://www.notintexas.org/ . Nullification Rally January 16, 2010 in Austin. In 2010, residents of Arizona voted on a State Constitutional Amendment that let them effectively opt out of any proposed national health care plan. Legislatures in Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Kansas, Alaska, Pennsylvania and Virginia are also promoting similar State Constitutional Amendments. Missouri is joining them. "Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O'Fallon, pre-filed a bill Dec. 1 that was passed in August, 2010, which put a halt on any national health care legislation. Davis said her intent was to give voters a way to protect themselves," from a report in The Missourian. Today, many Attorneys General are suing the U.S. government over constitutionally flawed health care legislation. Thus, the States are validating the will of WE THE PEOPLE in full constitutional authority.
INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY If redress of grievance fails, citizens will default to their ultimate sovereignty -- an individual appeal to God’s authority. Today, individual declarations of independence are springing up across the Nation because the Government holds blatant contempt for the wishes of WE THE PEOPLE. Some citizens are choosing to assert their sovereignty against Obamacare, Cap and Trade, UN demands, etc., going so far as to protest by civil disobedience and revolt by not paying taxes or leaving the country. Fewer still would rather go to jail or lock and load if necessary.
By what constitutional authority does the U.S. Government require individuals to buy goods and services from it? Answer: there is none. Obamacare’s individual mandate (you must buy goods and services from a service provider or the government) is purely unconstitutional. If government breaks down and forces tyranny, citizens the have "the right and duty to alter or abolish it and institute a new Government in such a form that is most likely to effect their safety and happiness," (Declaration of Independence).
So, roll up your sleeves, patriot, and research State requirements for drafting and passing nullification legislation. Hound your Governor, Attorney General, Congressmen/women and Senators. Tell them that you consider Obamacare unconstitutional, and you want them to call a special session to nullify this unconstitutional legislation. It’s your Constitution, your America.
Sources for nullification (or 10th Amendment Movement): http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=429 http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/the-10th-amendment-movement/ http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/12/virginia-to-consider-health-care-nullification/ http://thepatrickhenrycaucus.org/action.aspx Montana nullifies national gun laws http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=17935
Related Articles: Nullifying National Health Care in Kansas OK Lawmakers File "Freedom of Healthcare Choice Act" Health Care Nullification in Alaska Health Care Town Hall Meeting – Clearwater FL – 9/15/09 Ohio to Consider National Health Care Nullification http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2010/02/05/raising-the-bar-for-nullification/ http://www.nullifynow.com/
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
Tenementazation of Mission Viejo Letter to the Editor
Recently, my wife and I visited the new Lennar condo development overlooking the Target on Jeronimo at Los Alisos. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement.
These three-story walk-up tenements reminded us of New York's lower eastside or the low-end walk-ups in south Boston, built in the late 1800s to house the flood of immigrant laborers that were flocking to our shores. These incipient slums by Lennar have been built to the same LOW standards of those bygone times, the obviously cheap construction, flimsy windows, hollow-core doors, low-end cabinetry, big box-style lighting, kitchen and bathroom fixtures and no yards (although the children of the multi-families can always play in the Target or on its parking lot) are some of the low points. The major difference between these and the tenements back east is the ones here have indoor plumbing.
This type of multifamily housing is the exact opposite of “the California promise.” Even though they range from $400K to almost $550K, they will almost certainly quickly revert to low-end rentals much like areas in Ladera and Rancho Santa Margarita.
We are fortunate that these tenements are at the edge of the city and are surrounded by commercial businesses so they are not as likely to reduce our property values.
Dale A. Sandore Mission Viejo
Campaign Becomes Chess Game
While some pundits are busy discounting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, no one should underestimate his ability to reveal Barack Obama’s background.
Trump is raising public awareness with his assertion Obama is a fraud. Those who read Don Fredrick’s “The Obama Timeline,” http://www.colony14.net/id41.html , could gain a new perspective on Trump’s role in the 2012 presidential campaign.
The media proclaimed the birther issue will go away because Barack Obama released his “long-form birth certificate” on April 27. The chances the issue will go away are about the same as Trump going away.
For anyone who wants to know how to get a Certificate of Live Birth in Hawaii for a child born outside Hawaii, here’s a link that includes text of the state’s legal statute: http://tpo.net/certoflivebirth
A negative aspect of uncovering Obama’s past is that the public will become distracted from his dangerous incompetence as president: http://socyberty.com/issues/white-house-insider-obama-hesitated-panetta-issued-order-to-kill-osama-bin-laden
Political and Government Events Calendar
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees, regular meeting, Mon., May 9, 7:00 p.m., 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, agenda and supporting documentation will be published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com
ACT for America, Mission Viejo Chapter, general meeting, Mon., May 9, featured speaker will be corporate security consultant Ron Williams, “The End of Radical Islam and the Rise of Freedom in the Middle East.” Orientation for first-time attendees begins at 7:10 p.m., regular meeting runs from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo.
Orange County Board of Supervisors will meet Tues., May 10, 9:30 a.m., in the Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100, http://www.ocgov.com/ocgov/Government/Board%20of%20Supervisors
Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees will meet Tues., May 10, 6:15 p.m., 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us
American Veterans Traveling Tribute, Vietnam Memorial Wall, sponsored by VFW Post 9934 of Dana Point and the City of Dana Point, Welcoming Parade on Wed., May 11, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (PCH, Camino Capistrano to Niguel Road), Opening Ceremonies, Thurs., May 12, noon, Sea Terrace Park, Public Viewing, 24/7, Sea Terrace Park, Closing Ceremonies, Mon., May 16, noon, (949) 487-5288 and (949) 275-3142, http://www.vfwpost9934.org
South Orange County Republican Assembly will meet on May 12 at Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot, 26701 Verdugo Street, San Juan Capistrano. Those having dinner can arrive between 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. SOCRA President Craig Alexander will report on the annual convention of the California Republican Assembly. RSVP to SOCRA's membership secretary Denise Hickey at mdcthick@cox.net or (949) 395-1049. Visit the Website, www.orangecountycra.com
World Affairs Council of Orange County, Ambassador John Negroponte, “America’s Foreign Policy in a World in Turmoil,” Thurs., May 12, 5:30 p.m. reception, 7 p.m. dinner, 7:45 p.m. program, The Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa, (949) 253-5751, http://www.worldaffairscouncil.org
Rush Limbaugh Club OC, breakfast meeting, Sat., May 14, 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Casta del Sol Golf Club, 27601 Casta del Sol Road, Mission Viejo. Guest speaker will be Karen Lugo of Claremont Institute, RSVP to (949) 487-5288, http://limbaughcluboc@aol.com
Capistrano Valley Republican Women, Federated, Wed., May 18, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Marbella Country Club, 30800 Golf Club Drive, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 240-6799, Sue, http://www.cvrwf.org
Republican Club of Laguna Woods, May 27, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., guest speaker will be Assemblyman Don Wagner of the 70th Assembly District, Laguna Woods, Clubhouse 5, 24262 Punta Alta, Laguna Woods, (949) 588-8514.
Tustin Area Republican Women Federated General Meeting and Luncheon, May 27, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tustin Ranch Golf Club. Guest Speaker will be Bruce Herschensohn, “Crisis in Egypt: The Impact on U.S. Foreign Policy and Our Efforts in the Middle East,” 12442 Tustin Ranch Road, Tustin, (714) 544-2063.
Flag Day Dinner – save the date, June 13, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Irvine Hyatt, 17900 Jamboree Road, Irvine, guest speakers will be New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and commentator Bill Whittle. Details will be forthcoming.
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise.
Learn how to make a “Decorative Concrete Countertop,” Tues., May 10, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Studio Primrose and Surfaces of Distinction, 27601 Forbes Road, Suite 34, Laguna Niguel, (949) 584-1917, http://studioprimrose.com
Workshop on Orange County Snakes, Reptiles and Amphibians, May 11, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Presentation Center at Rancho Mission Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, reservations required, (949) 489-9778, http://theconservancy.org/Calendar.aspx
“Sweet Charity,” opens Fri., May 13, through May 29, Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 489-8082, http://caminorealplayhouse.org
“Growing Beautiful Roses” with Cristin Fusano, May 15, 9 a.m., Plant Depot, 33413 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 240-2107, http://www.plantdepot.com
Art Exhibit, Brad Coleman, Reproductions in the Upstairs Gallery, through May 15, Laguna Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-8971, http://www.lagunaartmuseum.org
Farmers Market, San Juan Capistrano, Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., Historic Town Center Park, (949) 493-4700.
Farmers Market, Laguna Hills, Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Laguna Hills Mall, (714) 573-0374.
Movies, Edwards Kaleidoscope Stadium 10 in Mission Viejo, 27741 Crown Valley Pkwy, (949) 582-4020, get show times, watch movie trailers, see what's coming soon at http://www.moviefone.com/theater/edwards-kaleidoscope-stadium-10/32/showtimes
Art Exhibit, “Scrimshaw: the Art and Craft of the American Whaler,” May 21 through September 30, Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, (714) 567-3600, http://www.bowers.org/index.php/art/exhibitions_listing/current
“Create a Succulent Wreath” class, May 21 or May 28, 10:00 a.m., and “Plant a Bird Cage” class, May 22, 11 a.m., Cottage Home and Garden, 31720 Los Rios Street, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 493-3920, http://www.cottage-home-and-garden.com/events.htm
Saddleback Lanes bowling alley has been in business since 1974; great gathering place with special discounts for groups. Events throughout the week, 25402 Marguerite Pkwy, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-5300, http://www.saddlebacklanes.net
“Songbird Friendly Native Garden,” May 21, 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Tree of Life Nursery, 33201 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 728-0685, http://www.californianativeplants.com
Sierra Sage Late Spring Walk, Sierra Club, May 22, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., The Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 489-9778, http://theconservancy.org/Calendar.aspx
Jazz Monsters Concert with Roni Ben-Hur, Nilson Matta Septet and the Exotic New York-Budapest Brazilian Ensemble, May 25, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Soka University’s Campus Green Stage, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4000, http://www.info@soka.edu
Young Rembrandts Art Class, Mondays through June 6, noon to 1:00 p.m., Pretend City Children’s Museum, 29 Hubble, Irvine, (949) 428-3900, http://pretendcity.org
The Buzz
Reader reaction: “The city planted new trees after cutting down mature ones on the Oso median between Marguerite Parkway and Country Club Drive. The new trees are too numerous, too close together and not a good choice. The trees that the city cut down were preferable. The new trees look like liquidambar, which will drop spiny balls and have invasive roots pushing up the pavement. Liquidambar trees belong in a park. At least the city didn’t build anything weird on the medians.”
Garage sale, Sat., May 14, 7 a.m. to 12 noon, 26481 Espalter Drive, Mission Viejo. The cross streets are La Paz and Mosquero. Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated will have the sale at the home of Brenda Cooper, (949) 859-5607. To donate items, call Dorothy Oreyzi for assistance with picking up, (949) 910-6871.
How did the media miss this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s9StxsFllY . By viewing this video as well as the rebuttals and responses (also on You Tube), birthers, truthers and Obama supporters can find opposing arguments. Two sides are readily available, with the media presenting only one.
The controversy over putting schools on the “surplus list” in the Saddleback Valley district was covered last week by Patch.com ( http://missionviejo.patch.com/articles/controversy-prompts-school-closure-committee-to-meet-again-thursday?ncid=M255 ). According to an update in the link, the only potential closure to be discussed on the SVUSD Board of Trustees agenda for the May 10 meeting will be Aliso Elementary. Readers also reacted on Mission Viejo Dispatch, including a letter to the editor ( http://missionviejodispatch.com/letters-to-editor/letter-school-surplus-committee-a-farce ).
SVUSD showed its cards more than a year ago by opposing Measure D, the Mission Viejo Right To Vote, which was on the June 2010 ballot. Residents should ask why a school district would take a position on future zoning matters if it didn’t envision the possibility of selling “surplus” school property to housing developers. Had Measure D passed, voters would have the final say in rezoning of major parcels. Those who live near a school, park, open space, golf course or shopping center – in short, anything that isn’t already zoned for housing – can mobilize their neighborhoods to oppose high-density housing projects while developers buy council votes with “campaign donations.”
Mission Viejo High School Performing Arts is presenting “Beauty and the Beast” on May 12, 13 and 14, 7:00 p.m., (949) 837-7722. Saddleback College is presenting “Phantom of the Opera,” on May 14 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and May 15 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., (949) 582-4656, http://www.saddleback.edu/arts
Resurfacing of a section of Olympiad Road has been a challenge for the city. The stretch of road between Alicia Parkway and Jeronimo Road has been resurfaced three times. The first two attempts failed when large strips of the pavement peeled away. Approximately two weeks ago, the process began anew with scraping off the layers of deteriorating pavement. Drivers report the most recent resurfacing work is the worst to date, resulting in rough, uneven asphalt.
From a message forwarded by Mission Viejo Tea Party Patriot Kathy K.: The trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended. We don’t need the government to suspend trading privileges when we can do it ourselves by looking at the label on products. If the label says Made in China or PRC (which now includes Hong Kong), don’t buy it. If 200 million Americans each reject just $20 worth of Chinese goods, that’s a huge trade imbalance resolved in our favor. Please support the current nationwide campaign to BUY AMERICAN during the month of May.
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