Citizens update MV Business Website June 5, 2011
A group of six Mission Viejo citizens created and recently updated a website dedicated to attracting new business to Mission Viejo, http://www.missionviejobusiness.com
It is perhaps the only business development website in California created and maintained by private citizens. Other sites generally are operated by cities or business organizations. The citizen Mission Viejo site is independent of the City of Mission Viejo and thus requires no expenditure of tax dollars.
From the site's home page: "That citizen volunteers produce this website reflects that citizens here welcome new businesses and will be loyal customers and good neighbors."
The volunteers pooled their professional backgrounds in communications, marketing, sales, real estate, management, graphic arts, photography and software engineering in 2004 to create what has been hailed as a polished, informative website. Its popularity makes it one of the first Internet sites to appear on a search for Mission Viejo business information.
The citizen volunteers are Norm Rosenkrantz, Larry Gilbert, Joe Holtzman, Dale Tyler, City Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht and myself, Allan Pilger. Holtzman says the purpose is "Sustaining, Retaining and Gaining" business in Mission Viejo, with valuable information for local businesses thinking of expanding and showing where to purchase goods and services for their own firms from other Mission Viejo businesses. Here's a glimpse of the site:
- The home page theme is "All Roads Lead to Mission Viejo,” a professionally created map showing Mission Viejo as the heart of south Orange County with easy access to the Orange County airport and major commercial and employment centers in the county and beyond. With the city's rectangular shape, virtually all Mission Viejo businesses are within two miles of a freeway or toll way.
- The theme carries over to the site's main site, also titled “All Roads Lead to Mission Viejo," and a second article, "The Crown Valley (Parkway) Corridor," the city's retail, commercial, medical and educational hub. It includes The Shops at Mission Viejo, Kaleidoscope, Mission Hospital and offices and residential buildings on Crown Valley, plus Saddleback College and the import auto mall and more retail on Marguerite south from Crown Valley.
- The site lists City Hall contacts for businesses, but also locations and contacts for all 25 major retail and commercial centers in Mission Viejo, plus regional contacts, both public and civic.
- A history of Mission Viejo and tours of the city in words and photos of many attractions like Lake Mission Viejo, retail centers such as The Shops at Mission Viejo and an abundance of parks and recreational facilities. Demographic and other data, such as the number of businesses in dozens of different business classes in the city, are included.
Gail Reavis, a strong supporter of the citizen website when she was Mission Viejo mayor and a city council member, was asked to preview the updated version. She said, "My hat is off to you and the other selfless volunteers who made this web site happen. It is beautiful and easy to navigate. I am aware that you tried to get the city to link to this site and they have refused you. Too bad, though, because it is a beautiful tribute to our wonderful city."
A City Upon A Hill by Bob Serrao, www.intodaysenglish.com
“For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.” Puritan John Winthrop, Sermon, 1630 ~~~
“Today the eyes of all people are truly upon us and our governments, in every branch, at every level, national, state and local, must be as a city upon a hill — constructed and inhabited by men aware of their great trust and their great responsibilities.” John F. Kennedy, 1961 ~~~
“I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it and see it still.” Ronald Reagan, 1989
Beautifully spoken by the pure and powerful. Regardless of who says it or when it is said, if there’s any incitement to patriotism, any swell of national pride, any appreciation for the Founding Fathers, any call to political action, any self-determination or refection of Divine Providence, it must be born of the button-busting national pride of America’s magnum double-barreled Charter Documents – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and the ingenuity of WE THE PEOPLE who make this City Upon A Hill so great.
Hoax Will Surpass Watergate
On April 27, Obama released his long-form birth certificate, which experts believe is a forgery. Concurrently, a lawsuit has been moving forward in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of Obama’s original application for a Social Security Number ( http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=306873 ) . Obama’s current SSN begins with 042, a sequence reserved for the state of Connecticut, where he has never lived. Obama’s original SSN should have been issued in Hawaii when he got his first job as a teenager. Investigators found Obama’s Connecticut SSN was previously assigned to a person born in 1890.
Another mystery connecting Obama to a dead person stems from his birth certificate number being out of sequence with other certificates issued at approximately the same time ( http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=300201 ). The birth certificate of a deceased infant, Virginia Sunahara, may have been used to create Obama’s recently released birth certificate. http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2011/05/update-hdoh-funny-business-regarding.html
Jerome Corsi writes, “… the numbers on the published Hawaii birth certificates of twins Susan and Gretchen Nordyke are lower than the number given Obama, even though the president's birth certificate was accepted by the registrar general and stamped with a certificate number three days earlier. The researcher found documentation for Virginia Sunahara's birth on the morning of Aug. 4, 1961, at Wahiawa General Hospital in Wahiawa, Oahu. She was the daughter of Hawaii-born Tomio Sunahara, a postal clerk of Japanese ancestry who fought for the U.S. in World War II, and his wife, Clara.” Their infant died on Aug. 5, 1961. In the alleged forgery of Obama’s long-form birth certificate, the registration number 10641 could have originally been assigned to the Sunahara infant. The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery, http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=300201#ixzz1OMhkMSp8
On May 31, document-imaging expert Doug Vogt filed a 22-page brief with the FBI against Obama for releasing a fraudulent birth record. Vogt said he has irrefutable proof of the forgery and indicated Obama’s birth certificate hoax will surpass all previous scandals, including the Watergate scandal. ( http://messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/articles.php?boardId=562759&articleId=10110&func=6&channel=Money+%26+Finance&filterRead=false&filterHidden=true&filterUnhidden=false ).
Support Mission Viejo’s Businesses Letter to the Editor
A number of years ago some very loyal and hardworking business men and women of Mission Viejo pulled together a web site to promote business in Mission Viejo. http://www.missionviejobusiness.com
Updates/enhancements have been made to the site (press f5 key if yours is not updated). We need, as a community, to bolster the businesses in Mission Viejo. This way we can gain, sustain and retain business in Mission Viejo.
This web site helps to promote business in Mission Viejo. http://www.missionviejobusiness.com
Please feel free to send it on to your friends, neighbors and associates to help promote our Mission Viejo business community.
F. K. (Joe) Holtzman Mission Viejo
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise.
Movies, Edwards Kaleidoscope Stadium 10 in Mission Viejo, 27741 Crown Valley Pkwy, (949) 582-4020, get show times, watch movie trailers, see what's coming soon at http://www.moviefone.com/theater/edwards-kaleidoscope-stadium-10/32/showtimes
Young Rembrandts Art Class, Mondays through June 6, noon to 1:00 p.m., Pretend City Children’s Museum, 29 Hubble, Irvine, (949) 428-3900, http://pretendcity.org
Learn about “Mosaic Basics – Candle Tray,” Wed., June 8, 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Studio Primrose and Surfaces of Distinction, 27601 Forbes Road, Suite 34, Laguna Niguel, (949) 584-1917, http://studioprimrose.com
“Opposites Attract,” floral arrangements class, Wed., June 8, 9:00 a.m., Sherman Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, (949) 673-2261, http://slgardens.org
Farmers Market, San Juan Capistrano, Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Historic Town Center Park, (949) 493-4700.
Farmers Market, Laguna Hills, Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Laguna Hills Mall, (714) 573-0374.
Philippine Fiesta Night, Sat., June 11, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., dinner, folk dancing and raffle, St. Kilian Parish Hall, 26872 Estanciero Dr., Mission Viejo, (949) 770-0820 or (949) 584-8791 for information.
“Second Stage Stand Up,” Sat., June 11, 7:30 p.m., Camino Real Playhouse Stage II, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 489-8082, http://caminorealplayhouse.org
“Create Your Own Fairy Garden” class, Sun., June 12, 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., Cottage Home and Garden, 31720 Los Rios Street, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 493-3920, http://www.cottage-home-and-garden.com/events.htm
Bowers Kidseum, Summer Camp Adventures begin June 20 with Adventure 1, Japan: Land of the Rising Sun, 1802 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, (714) 480-1520, http://www.bowers.org/kidseum.php/earlychildhood
Art Exhibit, 16 German Artists, through Aug. 19, open M-F, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Soka University, Founders Hall Art Gallery, 2nd Floor, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4000, http://www.info@soka.edu
Art Exhibit, “Scrimshaw: the Art and Craft of the American Whaler,” through Sept. 30, Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, (714) 567-3600, http://www.bowers.org/index.php/art/exhibitions_listing/current
Aliso Viejo Ice Palace, 9 Journey, Aliso Viejo, (949) 643-9648, public skating times include Mon. through Fri. 2:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., Sat. and Sun. 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Wed., 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Fri. 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., http://www.avicepalace.com
Michaels, 25310 Marguerite Parkway, (949) 770-5001, schedule of art and crafts classes can be found at http://www.michaels.com/Store-Events/store-events,default,pg.html
Saddleback Lanes bowling alley has been in business since 1974; great gathering place with special discounts for groups. Events throughout the week, 25402 Marguerite Pkwy, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-5300, http://www.saddlebacklanes.net
Political and Government Events Calendar
Claremont Institute Event, Mon., June 6, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., guest speaker Dr. John Eastman, “From Obamacare to Illegal Pensions to Unauthorized War in Libya: Does the Constitution Matter Anymore?” Balboa Bay Club & Resort, 1221 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, (909) 621-6825, ext. 104, RSVP to SSeagraves@Claremont.org., http://ocgopaction.ning.com/events/claremont-institute-event
Orange County Board of Supervisors, Tues., June 7, 9:30 a.m., in the Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100. Budget hearings will take place on June 14-15. http://www.ocgov.com/ocgov/Government/Board%20of%20Supervisors
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees, special meeting on Wed., June 8, 5:00 p.m., next regular meeting, Mon., June 13, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, agenda and supporting documentation will be published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com
Rush Limbaugh Club OC, Sat., June 11, 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., breakfast meeting at Casta del Sol Golf Club, featuring guest speaker Evan Sayet, 27601 Casta del Sol Road, Mission Viejo, (949) 487-5288, limbaughcluboc@aol.com, http://limbaughcluboc@aol.com
Flag Day Dinner, Mon., June 13, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Irvine Hyatt, 17900 Jamboree Road, Irvine, guest speakers will be New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and commentator Bill Whittle. For more information, go to http://www.ocgop.org/flagday , or call Scott Loenhorst at the OCGOP headquarters, (714) 453-0900.
ACT for America, Mission Viejo Chapter General Meeting, Mon., June 13, doors open at 7:00 p,m., orientation for first-time attendees begins at 7:10 p.m., meeting runs from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., guest speaker John Briscoe, “How to Persuade School Boards to Stop Allowing Islamic Propaganda in Our Classrooms,” Norm Murray Community Center, Sycamore B room, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo.
Saddleback Valley Unified School District board meeting, Tues., June 14, 6:15 p.m., 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo,(949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us
Orange County Young Republicans, Tues., June 14, social gathering begins at 6:30 p.m., meeting from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., guest speaker Judge Jim Rogan, JT Schmid’s in Tustin District, http://ocgopaction.ning.com/events/ocyr-meeting-with-jim-rogan
Saddleback Republican Assembly will host guest speaker Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute at its regular meeting on Thurs., June 16, 7:00 p.m. , Norm Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, (949) 830-8088.
The Buzz
When charges against ex-officials in the Capo school district were dropped, old-regime supporters used the occasion to rewrite history. In balance, here’s a reminder from a Capo parent who was on the enemies’ list: “The problem at the time wasn't whether something wrong had been done, but that the district refused to admit anything had been done. I remember near-violent meetings in the old Ed Center where parents and others whose names were on the list demanded to know why their names (and notes about where they lived, where their kids went to school, etc.) were on a district list. Nobody at that time said ‘hey, we know folks are unhappy, we're just trying to figure out why.’ Instead, Fleming said again and again and again that there was no list. Then-Trustee Marlene Draper shook her finger at the crowd and said there was no list. Yet there were three.” http://capistranoinsider.typepad.com/beyond_the_blackboard/2011/06/the-enemies-lists-just-to-refresh-.html
When Mission Viejo residents were commenting on another blog about the city’s wasteful spending, City Manager Dennis Wilberg posted a crack about their absence at the city’s Memorial Day event. http://missionviejodispatch.com/budget/letter-100000-poles . Wilberg frequently shows how thin-skinned he is when residents notice the deplorable job he’s doing. Look around – he’s failed to maintain the city’s infrastructure and allowed city employee Keith Rattay to degrade the city’s appearance. Rattay’s expensive junk – everything from ghoulish displays on pillars to his new iron tree monuments that are backlit with an eerie orange glow – make Mission Viejo look like Halloween every day of the year. Back to Memorial Day, Wilberg apparently can’t understand why normal people don’t spend any day with occupants of city hall, regardless of “free” all-you-can-eat buffets and taxpayer-funded gifts for attendees.
City Hall has a reliable technique for pumping up the meager turnout of most of its events. Several years ago, city employees made it known they were unhappy about a new policy that pushed them into attending events to avoid receiving low marks on their job reviews. With the perfunctory participation of 150 employees, Saddleback Valley News reports “hundreds” attend everything the city puts on. When the City Hall groupies are added – the same freeloaders perpetually feeding at the trough – the event is described as “wildly popular.”
Which level of government has credibility? 1) The Obama administration saying everything is wonderful because the recession is over. 2) The state, with Gov. Jerry Brown’s declaration of impending doom when California runs out of Other People’s Money. 3) The city of Mission Viejo claiming $20-million-plus in “discretionary reserves” and saying it will spend millions on a tennis resort, a dog park and other CIPs while simultaneously raising fees and delaying the publication of the city budget. 4) None of the above.
Constitution 101: Bob Serrao writes, “How much do you know about the Constitution? The quality of your life depends upon it. Know your rights! Join interactive classes from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sun., June 19 – The Declaration & U.S. Constitution, and Sun., June 26 – The U.S. Constitution and Your Rights. No admission charge, no pre-registration. Laptops and notebooks are optional. Everyone is welcome – bring a friend.” Bob will present the classes at Heritage Park Library, 14361 Yale Avenue, Irvine 92604, (949) 936-4040.
News reporter Dale McFeatters asks why Obama’s kicking the smoking habit isn’t being celebrated as front-page news. http://www.courierpress.com/news/2011/feb/13/obama-last-of-the-smoker-presidents . McFeatters writes, “Obama said some time ago that he used to light up about five times a day. For people with a two- or three-pack a day habit, five cigarettes is not smoking at all. It's breakfast.” If Obama really did stop smoking, maybe his ardent media fans are worried he’ll start again with his cover-ups collapsing.
Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, writes, “Together, we can save and strengthen Medicare. Congressman Paul Ryan has a plan to put Medicare on a sustainable path for hard-working Americans while preserving the benefits of current seniors. But rather than offer their own solutions, Democrats and the liberal media have launched a coordinated attack campaign claiming Congressman Ryan's plan would "kill Medicare." Not true.
With 10,000 baby boomers joining the Medicare rolls every day and health care costs spiraling out of control, the only sure way to kill Medicare is to do nothing. That, in fact, is the Democrats’ plan: Do nothing. Plus, they've created a new 15-member rationing board, known as IPAB, for the sole purpose of cutting seniors' Medicare by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Doing nothing to save Medicare will lead directly to bankruptcy, rationing, and benefit cuts. Don't let Obama and the Democrats do nothing. Sign the petition now: http://action.freedomworks.org/4562/stand-with-paul-ryan/?src=june3
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