Fuzzy Economics

Fuzzy Economics
Letter to the editor

The duplicity of Mission Viejo Councilman Frank Ury is astounding! See this Mission Viejo Dispatch article: http://missionviejodispatch.com/budget/nadadores-want-15-million-pools-at-potocki/comment-page-1/#comment-67968

Ury’s contention that our bond rating was a ringing endorsement for our city hall budget/reserve drains boggles the mind!

Once again, as the Mission Viejo Dispatch points out, it is the total community and its wealth that underpins the bond rating, fortunately, not city hall’s fiscal management.

Perhaps Mr. Ury should take advantage of attending Saddleback College at night, starting out with the Basics of Accounting and Economics 101.

As to the varying requests for the use of the Potocki Center (above-noted article), it appears that only ONE organization came to the table with ANY money: Outta Bounds.

Guess who I would choose ?

Joe Holtzman
Mission Viejo