Give City Council the Message

Give City Council the Message
Letter to the editor

The Mission Viejo City Council is going to review and probably approve the 2011-2013 budget on Tues., July 5. After watching the City Council discussions during the last two meetings, it is apparent that the 3 to 2 spending majority will pass it without properly explaining away the soft conservative assumptions on revenues and costs. They continue to want to fund entitlements that no city should pay for during these financially trying times.

The council reacts to groups that show up at the city council meetings in mass (tennis clubs, dog walkers, etc.). The only way that the majority of voters will be able to stop this non-sensible entitlement funding is to take the time to act against it by showing up at the July 5 city council meeting to make your voices heard.

Everyone should get up at the podium and remind the council members that in today’s environment the city does not have the latitude to create a financial debt abyss by wasting our tax money.

The big items are not on contract yet, which makes this meeting far more important than usual. There is no more time left to make our position known and/or to effect the council’s vote..................... So let’s all go to the meeting.

The link to this letter (here) provides more detail that will help you decide on any message you want to give to the council.

Thank you
Voters United