Mission Viejo Buzz - 07/23/11

The Buzz

A Palmia resident wrote Councilman Dave Leckness about her concerns regarding UDR Inc.’s proposed apartment project on east Los Alisos. This blog does not have permission to publish his response, which was shocking. Among other insulting remarks, he called her an elitist. There’s nothing elitist about homeowners wanting to protect their property and preserve their peaceful, law-abiding neighborhoods. Apartment dwellers and other renters are not a protected class, and their behavior can be described truthfully without fear of lawsuits. As one indication of behavior, renters cause the most police calls.


When Steadfast was attempting to develop the parcel at Los Alisos and Jeronimo, its representatives presented a rosy picture of its projects and property management. Watchdogs visited several Steadfast apartment projects, which were all rundown and poorly managed. Steadfast’s property in Tustin had a gang-style shootout at its front gates and an exceedingly high number of police calls – many from occupants of its property trying to get other occupants to obey laws. Mission Viejo residents successfully fought off Steadfast’s efforts to build apartments. In an article published by the L.A. Times, residents were called racists and elitists.


Happy, happy, happy. The Capo Dispatch published a story about CUSD, referring to Supt. Joe Farley as the “Mason of Capistrano Unified’s Rebuilding.” http://capistranoinsider.typepad.com/beyond_the_blackboard/2011/07/the-mason-of-capistrano-unifieds-rebuilding.html#comments . For several years, members of the teachers union packed school board meetings and created havoc until the November 2010 election. When three union-backed candidates replaced three reform-minded trustees, union members stopped disrupting meetings. Uniting with the union-backed trustees (John Alpay, Lynn Hatton and Gary Pritchard) are two trustees who ran as reform candidates, Anna Bryson and Jack Brick. When union members are happy, the mason of rebuilding shouldn’t worry about the $26-million shortfall.


Reminder: Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated will host a "Shoot 'N' Shop" event at Lake Arrowhead. The event centers on special training for women who want to learn to shoot. The fee of $30 includes the training session at Arrowhead Fish & Game Conservation Club, lunch and a shopping tour of Arrowhead Village. Save the date, July 30, starting at 10:00 a.m. at the range (carpools will begin at 8:00 a.m. from Orange County). The $30 cost also includes the range fee, trial subscription to “Gun Owners of California” and ammo. RSVP to Gayle Brantuk, (714) 747-7513.


A realistic gauge of Barack Obama’s popularity is the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. On July 24, the poll shows 23 percent of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of Obama’s performance and 44 percent Strongly Disapprove. From the July 24 report, a generic Republican candidate leads Obama by six points. Forget media hype. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking _poll


World Net Daily has been updating a topic the White House has kept out of the news: Where’s the Birth Certificate? http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=324153 . Jerome Corsi’s well-researched and documented book builds a case for rejecting Barack Obama’s “long form birth certificate,” released to the public on April 27, as a poorly manufactured fraud.
