Corsi on Talk Radio

Corsi on Talk Radio
by Robert Homesley

Dear Fellow Tea Partiers,

LONG LIVE AMERICA is on KCEO AM 1000 in San Diego and Orange counties from 8-10 p.m. and LIVE online at . Call in at (760) 931-1604 to be part of the show.

On Thurs., Aug. 4, LLA will be joined again by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., to discuss Obama's obvious forgery/"new" birth certificate and the criminal investigation currently pending with the FBI.

Dr. Corsi is the victim of a complete media blackout, seeing as they cannot contest him on any factual level, just like Orly Taitz, yet they are both absolutely CORRECT. You will not hear Dr. Taitz or Dr. Corsi on television or mainstream talk radio. You will only get them on LLA and other independent stations. PLEASE TUNE IN!!!!  

Thank you and God Bless.

Robert Homesley
Long Live America Talk Radio