Mission Viejo Buzz - 08/13/11

The Buzz

When Planning Commissioners voted 3-2 on July 11 to allow UDR Inc.’s switch from condos to apartments, who were they representing? The majority (Bob Bruchmann, Rick “Trick” Sandzimier and Steve Spillman) weren’t representing or listening to the residents. No resident spoke or turned in written comments in favor of apartments. Those who spoke in favor are either part of the developer’s team or they don’t live in Mission Viejo. The two commissioners voting on behalf of Mission Viejo residents against the bait-and-switch apartments were Bill Ernisse and Cliff Swan.


The Tea Party isn’t a political party, and there are no Tea Party candidates on the ballot.

Remarks during the Aug. 11 GOP presidential debate emphasized that the Tea Party is about ideas and principles over parties. Linda D., who leads the Laguna Patriots group, sent her assessment of the debate: “Santorum is probably not electable; talks about America needing to be a moral nation to be great again – I agree and it is a shame no others talk about this. Michele Bachman stays true to her conservative beliefs and embraces real Tea Party values. Ron Paul rambles and is in my opinion naive about the world around us. Cain is well-spoken and has conservative ideas. Newt is very knowledgeable; I loved his comments – the debt committee is a joke, and the Fed should be uncovered and not allowed to work behind closed doors. Huntsman for some reason I do not trust. Romney I liked; he wants marriage between man and woman, delete Obamacare, but I particularly liked when earlier in the day at a rally a heckler got this response from him, ‘There was a time people in this country were not attacked for being successful,’ and he went on to say ‘50 percent of Americans pay no taxes in this country.’ Pawlenty to me seems all about talking points.”


From Dawn Wildman, president, SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition Inc., “This is the second video of an interview with Rosa Kiore. She is a liberal Democrat. Yet, she is very concerned about Agenda 21 and ICLEI taking our private property. Santa Rosa, CA, has deemed large areas of the city as blighted. This is a part of Agenda 21. Please take time to watch this if you value your rights.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsvogwU9Kp4&feature=player_embedded


LONG LIVE AMERICA is the Southern California Tea Party show on KCEO AM 1000 in San Diego and Orange County from 8-10 p.m. PST or www.longliveamerica.com . Robert Homesley writes, “LONG LIVE AMERICA is the only real talk radio show in Southern California that not only has comedy, but we are the only one that does not duck issues or legitimate callers on any political issue. Political correctness is killing talk radio, hence the terribly predictable, milquetoast, non-abrasive shows on the major stations in San Diego and Los Angeles. We spit on political correctness and are still the only original show here in So. Cal. on AM radio. Please call in at (760) 931-1604 to speak your mind. God Bless.”


“The riots in the UK are a terrible wakeup call to the U.S. A grand Leftist experiment gone horribly wrong, and not that far advanced from the experiment being run by our own Socialist Left. The destruction of the family, the ruination of education and respect for authority. This is our future if we don't turn things around, and it isn't that far away.” http://www.republicanassemblies.org/britains-feral-youth-a-wake-up-call-for-america


“Is Obama Smart?” The Aug. 9 Wall Street Journal article was forwarded by Bruce of Mission Viejo, who commented, “I'm glad to see that my opinion from the beginning (that Obama supporters confuse glibness with brilliance) is in print – especially the WSJ!  He is exceptionally glib but not smart, and just about everything he's done reinforces my opinion.”


From the WSJ article, is Obama the smartest president ever? “Even when he's criticized, his failures are usually chalked up to his supposed brilliance. Liberals say he's too cerebral for the Beltway rough-and-tumble; conservatives often seem to think his blunders, foreign and domestic, are all part of a cunning scheme to turn the U.S. into a combination of Finland, Cuba and Saudi Arabia. I don't buy it. I just think the president isn't very bright.” http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424053111904140604576495932704234052-lMyQjAxMTAxMDAwOTEwNDkyWj.html?mod=wsj_share_email_bot


Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks.com writes, “When President Obama signed the final deal to increase the debt ceiling, he kicked the can further down the road instead of addressing our nation's fiscal problems now. The deal falls dramatically short of the goals of Cut, Cap, Balance legislation, which was championed by FreedomWorks, a broad coalition of grassroots groups and Tea Party lawmakers. But what we saw in this debate was a liberal President, a Democrat-controlled Senate and a Republican-controlled House all shift their positions toward the Tea Party. When we made our voices heard, everyone started talking about spending cuts, not tax increases.” Kibbe urges everyone to take action, http://connect.freedomworks.org/portals/august-action?src=aug5

  • Tell your representatives to:
    Support the Lee/Wash Balanced Budget Amendment.
  • Force Congress' new "super committee" to cut more spending than was in the debt ceiling deal.
  • Stop the regulatory train wreck at Obama's EPA.
  • Support Rep. Connie Mack's Penny Plan to reduce federal spending.
  • Push Congress to recognize the ideas of our Tea Party Debt Commission.
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Contrary to Gov. Jerry Brown’s economic pipe dream, California is more than $500 million in the red one month into the new fiscal year.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44099607/ns/local_news-bakersfield_ca/t/state-budget-falls-short-estimates . Those in touch with reality expect an even bigger shortfall in August. From http://missionviejodispatch.com , Mission Viejo City Hall is also out of touch with the real economic picture: “Defying statistics is one of several gimmicks to make it a ‘balanced budget.’ It’s no wonder why balanced City budgets the past several years have given way to more than $10 million in combined deficits, with faulty revenue projections and overspending on non-essential purchases.” http://missionviejodispatch.com/budget/letter-rosey-revenue-forecast-distorts-mv-budget
