Mayor Dave Leckness Wants You by Joe Holtzman

All Transients, Hobo’s, Drifters, and Hopeless Homeless
Mayor Dave Leckness wants you, and your friends for his “camp site” on Oso Creek Trail in Mission Viejo. Stay as long as you like !!
- Come spend your leisure hours with the Mayor. Watch Dave clean his shoes of Dog Poop!!
- Drive Dave’s golf cart on the trails.
- Bask in the sun, by and under the various pillars, statues, and Wayfinder signs.
- Free meals will be served at the newly rebuilt Murray Community Center.
- Each guest will be given a voucher to enjoy “The Word of the Month Character movies”.
- Free seminars with Frank Ury, who will lecture you on why you’re a Bum.
Brought to you by: The Committee to re-elect Frank. Ury