Occupy Wall Street Is No Tea Party

Occupy Wall Street Is No Tea Party

Excerpts from an email by Tea Party founder Mark Meckler:

The liberal media says the law-breaking anarchists who are terrorizing New York are simply a “progressive” version of the Tea Party. I’m just one of the thousands and thousands of law-abiding Americans who built the Tea Party movement. However, I take great offense that our peaceful rallies aimed at reining in government are being compared to that violent freak show on Wall Street. And I expect you do, too.

Please help the Tea Party Patriots push back against the liberal media and expose these “Occupy Wall Street” protesters for what they are: America-hating anarchists who want to take their anger out on ordinary, productive citizens.

Tea party rallies have always felt like “parties” — and safe and clean ones at that. Unlike protesters in New York, I can find no reports of tea partiers being arrested, individually or en masse, at the thousands of tea parties across the country with millions of attendees that have taken place for years now.

However, on the streets of New York, these anti-free enterprise anarchists are defacing American flags, defiling police cars, accosting ordinary citizens, threatening businesses and demanding class warfare be waged on anyone who works hard and is successful.

We the people know what caused this terrible economic crisis. It wasn’t capitalism or American freedom. Instead it was out-of-control government spending, sky-high taxes and rampant cronyism and corruption in Washington, D.C.

This is the message Tea Party Patriots needs spread across the nation. Our vision for America is vastly different and far superior to the demands of the Occupy Wall Street crowd.

Mark Meckler
Tea Party National Coordinator and Co-Founder