Mission Viejo Buzz - 11/05/11

The Buzz

A California city is celebrating Christmas, and that’s news. San Juan Capistrano even has a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree. From a Patch article, “Because transportation costs have escalated, a homegrown tree will likely be the star of the town's 2012 Christmas festivities.” http://sanjuancapistrano.patch.com/topics/Victor%2527s+Custom+Christmas+Trees


When Gov. Rick Perry raised the issue of Obama’s birth certificate last week, TV commentators reacted, saying the birth certificate issue has been settled. Donald Trump’s popularity soared with Tea Partiers when he vigorously challenged Obama six months ago, adding that Obama was allegedly born in a hospital that had no record his mother had ever been there. Likely as a result of pressure from Trump, Obama released another version of a birth certificate on April 27, and computer experts proclaimed it a fraud. Presidential candidates might be reluctant to bring up the subject again, but Trump has no fear.


RealClearPolitics.com summarizes polling data for seven Republican presidential candidates ( http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/republican_presidential_nomination-1452.html ). With the latest average compiled on Nov. 3, the order is Cain (25.5), Romney (23.0), Gingrich (11.1), Perry (9.8), Paul (8.2), Bachmann (3.5), Santorum (1.5) and Huntsman (1.2). Some pundits are anticipating Gingrich will be the next candidate to surge in the polls ( http://2012iowacaucus.com/2011/11/gingrich-gop-challenger-surge ).


Residents are questioning City Hall’s purchase of 250 replacement computers, discussed elsewhere on this blog. It brings to mind years ago when digital cameras were a hot ticket. A council member asked during a meeting why the city was repeatedly purchasing cameras, yet not one camera could be found in City Hall. It pointed to employees enjoying city-owned equipment for personal use. As an example of the need for city computers, tracking hits on this blog shows that city employees are avid blog readers.


Ex-Capo USD Superintendent James Fleming is b-a-a-a-ack, suing the district for whatever he can get. While under pressure in 2006 for his part in creating an “enemies list” of parents and their children, he resigned. It was his decision to leave, yet he is suing the district, saying he resigned due to legal advice he received at the time. Also among his claims of damages, he cites “lost future income.” Perhaps someone will mention the district’s damages, including the $50-million Taj Mahal administration building in San Juan Capistrano – his crowning glory – while children attended classes in rodent-infested trailers.


Top school administrators like to take credit for the number of award-winning schools on their resumes. When awards are distributed, teachers and parents are the ones who deserve acknowledgement.


Last week’s “City Circus Update” drew a comment from a blog reader. “City hall brags that Mission Viejo has a million trees, but it doesn’t take care of most of them. Developers planted cheap, fast-growing trees that should have been removed or replaced. The city has never kept up with maintenance, and it plants thousands of new trees every year. The palms look shaggy, and the new trees are bad choices, either more palms, high-maintenance trees or others that don’t belong in this area. The pine trees planted 40 years ago along roads are seriously overgrown.”


Mission Viejo hasn’t been hit by severe winds for more than 10 years, and the last major El Nino was in 1997-1998.