Mission Viejo Newsblog - 03/16/2013

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County Role Shrinks
Greens Gone Crazy in Aliso Viejo
SRA Meets on Mar. 21
Council Meets on Mar. 18
Non-government Events
Political and Government Events Calendar

The Latest Buzz

Entire Issue - text only (67 KB)

Editorial Cartoon (Saddleback Valley News Puff Pieces)

Thanks for getting involved with your community!
City Meeting Calendar

"[The President] is the dignified, but accountable magistrate of a free and great people. The tenure of his office, it is true, is not hereditary; nor is it for life: but still it is a tenure of the noblest kind: by being the man of the people, he is invested; by continuing to be the man of the people, his investiture will be voluntarily, and cheerfully, and honourably renewed."

--James Wilson, Lectures on Law, 1791

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