Free Speech Picnic

Free Speech Picnic

To celebrate First Amendment rights, the Tea Party and other conservative groups are hosting a picnic on Sat., Feb. 8, from noon to 3:00 p.m. The event will be held at C. Russell Cook Park, 27100 Calle Arroyo, San Juan Capistrano. Attendees are invited to meet at the picnic tables.

From the announcement:

FREE SPEECH is one of our most dearly held First Amendment rights! Unfortunately, it is being threatened!  Let's together bring light on this issue! This is a joint effort of Tea Party and conservative groups from Orange County. 

Recently, the City of San Juan Capistrano majority on the City Council banned newspapers on public property . . . behind closed doors, no less. Why did they do this? Because one of the newspapers (Community Common Sense) exposes this City Council majority's often misguided and detrimental votes for the citizens of SJC, costing them much money.  

There will be music and speakers. Dr. Gina of the Dr. Gina Smart Life (radio) and Politichicks is our keynote speaker. Bring your friends and family. Bring your own lunch and enjoy the event with other like-minded Patriots!  Playground for children at the park, too! As speakers are confirmed, we will update this description! Rain or shine!

Local organizations are welcome to have a booth with information. Visit the website,