Common Sense Update

Common Sense Update

Two weeks ago, Community Common Sense Newspaper expanded into Mission Viejo. Formerly known as Capistrano Common Sense, its distribution began in 2009 in San Juan Capistrano. The first edition of the combined cities is available in newspaper racks in front of businesses, and a portion of the city was covered with home delivery. Volunteers interested in city government were among those delivering newspapers to their neighborhoods.

Following is feedback from one of the volunteers who delivered the paper door-to-door. This report and other posts about Community Common Sense can be found on the website,

When I heard about Mission Viejo’s new newspaper, Community Common Sense, I distributed it in my neighborhood (off Trabuco).

Met several nice people during my walk. By the newspaper NOT having a party affiliation, it made for some open conversation. People were much more open to discussion. The common sense approach made them more receptive to actually reading the material. So many folks are angry and frustrated. They are concerned that we have turned from common sense. Regulations of government... including city government are overbearing. Several homeowners were disgusted with all of the required permits in Mission Viejo... for things like a water heater or dishwasher.

In case anyone is interested, here a few quotes from my neighbors.

"Mission Viejo council has gone nuts. We need a majority who actually know how to think and do FOR the people.”

"We need more people who speak truth. I am so tired of lies from these guys."

"I am tired of professional politicians in all positions of government."

"Can you believe that Mission Viejo is so greedy that they want to charge me for a permit to put in new windows! Stupid!"

"When council members say they have no response to a question, that means they are non-decisive. Non-decisive has no business in leadership, period."

"Mission Viejo should only collect the money that is required to run the city. We should start a campaign to GIVE IT BACK, WE NEED IT.”

"I have had it with the city of Mission Viejo and their permits. It discourages homeowners from improving things.”