Dog Park Costs Increase

Dog Park Costs Increase
by Larry Gilbert

Did I mention our (Mission Viejo) million-dollar-plus dog park? The cost of Phase I including engineering services is $1,121,176.

At our next city council meeting staff is requesting a Change Order that should have been part of the initial release. However, in an attempt to keep the CIP below $1 million, an irrigation system is now added as it is required.

"On July 1, 2013, the City Council awarded an initial construction contract for the dog park. As part of the report provided to the Council, staff reported the additional costs that would be needed for alternate work to complete the irrigation system. City staff is now requesting $190,600 to amend the CIP 313 (Dog Park) budget to install the complete irrigation system and related utilities at the dog park. At a future council meeting, staff will process a change order to GMC Construction to amend the construction agreement for irrigation system installation.

“Pursuant to the Council’s request to engage the community in making the Mission Viejo Dog Park a community based project, staff would like to engage the Girl and Boy Scouts to help with the planting of the dog park through volunteer projects; however, these projects cannot commence until a full irrigation system is installed."