Sad and Sickly Sycamores by Paula Steinhauer
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a problem in Mission Viejo City -- our very sick sycamore trees. In the right environment they are beautiful. But in Mission Viejo they are (shall we say?) struggling:
In the Spring the trees burst forth with new life, but by Summer their leaves are half dead.
In the Fall their leaves finally dry up. (They do not change to brilliant reds and yellows.)
By Winter, as they await their next sad cycle, their only purpose seems to have been to provide messy sidewalks and make-work for landscape crews.
The trees need lots of water (winter snow and summer rain), but providing them enough irrigation water would cost us lots of money.
The trees could be pruned properly and to smaller sizes, but that would cost us lots of money too.
Not to worry! We could make something fun out of our trees with a Halloween Contest for the naming of "especially sad and sickly sycamores." Winning names could be posted at appropriate trees throughout the city. In time we could hold an annual Festival of Halloween Trees. The trees would be enjoyed not only at Halloween but also throughout the year and identified affectionately each time we pass them by. Mission Viejo could be known as "Ugly Halloween Tree City" and people could come from far and wide to drive throughout the city in the Fall and at Halloween, enjoying our trees with special lighting for those that are particularly scary.
So, dear reader, this October as Halloween approaches, as you drive along our streets -- pick an ugly sycamore, or several ugly sycamores, and give them appropriate names. Look for them along Marguerite, Los Alisos, La Paz, etc. To start you off, consider these trees and possible names:

LOOMING GHOST (The branches are so bare, the tree is almost transparent


REST IN PIECE (See the stick with branches in the middle of the photograph.)