PALs Update

PALs Update
by Julie Collier

Dear PALs,

The Cause that Unites Us All

Parents of students in public school, private school, charter school, language-immersion school, magnet school, or homeschool are united in the fact that zip codes do not have to dictate where your child is educated. Now, more than ever, parents are allowed choices in their child’s education, thanks to pioneer parents and organizations that have fought for school choices over the last 20 years.

January 26- February 1, 2014, is your week to celebrate your choice in education during National School Choice Week. There are over 5,500 events nationwide. Please visit to find out how your school can participate.

The big event happening in Southern California is the Whistle-Stop Tour at the historical L.A. Union Station on Jan. 30 at 10:00 a.m. You are cordially invited to attend and celebrate school choice in California and across the country.

Space is limited, so please learn more and RSVP at

This event is free to attend, will celebrate all forms of school choice, while sending  a message that families in California both celebrate and demand a wide array of excellent educational opportunities for their children. Refreshments will be served! Special speakers during the event are: Supt. John Daesy of LAUSD; Ben Austin with Parent Revolution; and Gloria Romero with The Foundation for Parent Empowerment.

Hope to see you there!

All the best,

Julie Collier
Executive Director
Parents Advocate League