Case Study of Smart Meters

Case Study of Smart Meters
Letter to the Editor

Attached find the report from the Division of Ratepayer Advocates in the California Public Utility Commission. (link here)

It reviews Southern California Edison's deployment of the smart meters.

SURPRISE, SURPRISE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON has again mismanaged a program-- and it appears to me, has mislead all involved!

So while Smart meters are a potential health risk, they have also become a program that over ran cost estimates for installation, and now have reduced benefits for the rate payers.

Just reading the Executive Summary --- SCE overestimated the cost benefits of smartmeters to its ratepayers. So what else is new? More deception from Edison see page 8 for details

This is an official report from an arm of the CPUC, the DRA: Division of Ratepayer Advocates.

Joe Holtzman