Intimidation in Laguna Niguel

Intimidation in Laguna Niguel
by Linda Dorr, Tea Party Patriot, May 21 rally

Many of our 300 Tea Party folks were approached immediately by Homeland Security and told they could not be on federal property. My lawyer told me as long as we didn't block passage we were OK.

Many Homeland Security trucks and a helicopter above us scared the patriots, so most of our group went to the public sidewalk to rally. However, I stayed at the IRS entrance, telling HLS it is my right to be there and if federal property is prohibited by the public that must mean the US Capitol, too!

Then as I was leaving, carrying my sign, a woman jumped out of her car in the IRS parking lot and stated in a threatening way, "I am with ICE!" To which I replied, "I am with Laguna Patriots.”

The ICE agent drove alongside me with the window down, glaring at me!

I was interviewed by local the NBC and OC Register and told them all about the intimidations.