Political Hack Loses Post

Political Hack Loses Post

Orange County political writer and paid hack Matt Cunningham resigned from the OC Parks Commission last week. His action followed public outrage over his mocking Latinos’ mourning traditions. Specifically, he targeted victims of police shootings. Prior to the resignation, OC Supervisor Todd Spitzer threatened to remove Cunningham as his appointee to the commission.

Perhaps Spitzer wished to distance himself, explaining that he had “inherited” Cunningham as an appointee.

Even the OC Register awoke and published articles for two consecutive days, referring to Cunningham as a “GOP consultant.” According to Mission Viejo watchdogs, Cunningham is a hired gun who operates in the same political circle as Mission Viejo Councilman Frank Ury.

As part of the fallout, Cunningham also lost two Orange County Transportation Authority contracts.

The Voice of OC posted an article with reader comments, http://www.voiceofoc.org/oc_north/article_1f3528b4-69df-11e3-ae80-0019bb2963f4.html

No one has done a better job of calling Cunningham out than Art Pedrosa, the proprietor of OCPoliticsBlog.com. Art calls for reform following the revelations about Cunningham: http://ocpoliticsblog.com/sup-nelson-targets-bloggers-gov-consulting-contracts-brings-into-light-need-for-reform/

Cunningham has lost face, but his services are invaluable to corrupt politicians. Readers should expect no more than a short break before he resurfaces.

As additional information, Art Pedrosa connects the dots between Cunningham and the OC power club: http://ocpoliticsblog.com/the-latest-cunningham-fiaco-started-with-his-master-pringle-way-back-in-1988/