SOC912 Meets on Friday

SOC912 Meets on Friday

SOC912 will present “Our American Heritage – Black Heroes of the Past and the Renewed Racial Tension,” on Fri., Sept. 6. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The group will meet at the Norm Murray Community Center, Juniper Room A & B, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo.

Ardyce Kehiayan, a local historian and teacher of our American Heritage, will introduce a 30-minute DVD presentation, America's Lost Black Heroes of the Past, a David Barton - Wallbuilders production.

Cathy and Kevin Richardson, co-founders of SOC912, will present a discussion on the growing racial tension in America today, thanks in large part to President Obama and the progressives' desire to overwhelm society.
Also on the program will be Steve Magdziak, president of SOC912 Founder's Club. 

SOC912 has five copies of "Thriving in Exile" by Steve Elliott of that will be given away with a "free" raffle at the end of the meeting. (Pick up a raffle ticket at the sign-in table.) Thriving is in its last print and is an uplifting and inspiring resource written in the very early morning hours the day after the November election in 2012.  (It was wildly popular!)  It was also reported on SOC912’s blogsite.

A donation of $5 at the door will help pay for costs of the meeting. Admission is free to first-time visitors and young people through age 24.