The Buzz
SOC912 will meet on Thurs., May 1, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Norman Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo. The program will be “Let’s Celebrate America! – One Nation Under God!” Enjoy an opportunity to gain wisdom and listen to live music while praising God with fellow patriots. No charge to attend, but donations help pay for costs. Light refreshments.
Save the date, May 10, for the next meeting of the Rush Limbaugh Club of Orange County. The breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. ($15 with reservation or $20 walk-in), and the meeting runs from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Email reservations to and visit the website at . The group meets at the Casta Del Sol Country Club, 27601 Casta Del Sol Road, Mission Viejo. On the program will be Linda Paine from the Voter Integrity Project, which was formed to provide nonpartisan education about the electoral system, as well as training and oversight for individuals who want to help protect and preserve fair and honest elections in California. Linda will discuss their efforts to combat voter fraud in California and the nation. Refer to their website at Also on the program will be following candidates. Superior Court Judge, Office No. 14: Kevin Haskins Superior Court Judge, Office No. 20: Helen Hayden Superior Court Judge, Office No. 35: Jeff Ferguson
Saddleback College presents Arts Week from May 5 through May 10 with concerts, art exhibits, musical theater and dance presentations. The schedule can be found at or call (949) 582-4656.
On Mar. 22, City Hall presented its annual “Up in the Air Festival.” The idea is to celebrate everything that goes up in the air or uses air to operate. Residents would instead like some attention to things on the ground. Last week, homeowners in a neighborhood near Marguerite Parkway and Alicia Parkway circulated a petition to get their streets repaired. Instead of a coat of slurry, temporarily covering deterioration, residents are asking for real repair and maintenance.
Read an amusing article by Art Pedrosa about Councilman Frank Ury, who is a candidate for the OC Board of Supervisors,
Ury refers to himself as an “engineer,” but what has he engineered in the last 15 or so years? His jobs have been in sales or information technology, not engineering. Currently, he says he’s building computers for HP. Does he mean putting them together in a warehouse? A prior post on this blog about Ury’s career path got such a rise out of Ury that one of his buddies at the county level wrote an email to this blog’s publisher. Ury evidently was known as a conservative in the early 1990s, and some of his acquaintances are clueless about what he is today. Here’s his voting record: . You can run but you can’t hide.