Mission Viejo Buzz - 10/13/12

The Buzz

Everyone is invited to the third annual Taste of Capo on Thurs., Oct. 18, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Capo Valley High School Mall. Enjoy great food from 20 local restaurants, shop at local vendor tables, participate in a silent auction and listen to live music by Jerry McFarland and many talented CVHS students. Buy tickets now for $20 ($15 for students under age 19), or pay $25 for all tickets after 3:00 p.m. on Oct. 17. Check out the vendor websites at http://www.cvhsfoundation.org Tickets may be purchased at the door, or by dropping an envelope at the front desk at CVHS. Include name, email address, phone number and $20 adult/ $15 student per ticket.


Members of Saddleback Republican Assembly invite the public to SRA’s general meeting on Thurs., Oct. 18, 7:00 p.m. The group meets at the Norm Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Jacaranda Room-B, Mission Viejo. For information call (949) 360-1717.


Family values voter guides are now available, including Craig Alexander’s recommendations and Nancy Sandoval’s Picks. Both Craig and Nancy are recommending Cathy Schlicht and Ed Sachs for Mission Viejo City Council. Additional voter guides can be found on Robyn Nordell’s site, http://robynnordell.com/


A recommendation for Ury and Bucknum is being presented as the “Orange County Register’s” endorsements. How did one person – Brian Calle – become the voice of OCR? Calle’s rationale on Oct. 9 indicated Mission Viejo does not have its fair share of traffic congestion. His update in the Oct. 14 OCR presented a different tune, saying he recommended Ury and Bucknum because they didn’t take union money. NO ONE running for Mission Viejo council has taken union money, and Bucknum is the only candidate who stuck a union sign in her front yard. Ury and Bucknum’s campaigns are financed with special interest money, which Calle ignores.


Cathy Schlicht and Ed Sachs asked parents to support their council candidacy at Back To School events during the past month. Instead of having volunteers campaign for them, Ury and Bucknum’s supporters are “suits” from out of town. Two men in business attire showed up before a school event last week. They placed Ury and Bucknum’s signs on school property and left. Midway through the event, a 20-year-old arrived and put Ury and Bucknum’s flyers on the windshields of every car in the parking lot. Following the event, the biggest impact by Ury and Bucknum was the litter of their flyers covering the parking lot.


A city watchdog forwarded the analysis below of the Oct. 15 council agenda:

“Monday’s agenda is again very light. But there is one important item that does require your attention. It is Item # 16: Status of K-Scope and its Electronic Billboards.

“Page 1 of the City Manager’s report – by using careful wordsmithing, is an attempt to brush off or counter the community’s concerns about the installation of electronic billboards. I want to assure you that what WAS rejected was the Electronic Billboard Ordinance for Kaleidoscope created by the developer, Colby Durnin of Sentinal Development. The council majority, on a 3-2 vote, DID NOT REJECT electronic billboards or offsite advertising, and instructed staff to continue to explore options.

“I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the developer is running a public relations campaign to get outside entities to influence the council to allow this visual blight and safety hazards into our community.

“Some of these outside entities are The South Orange County Regional Chamber of Commerce; OCTax (OCTax PAC); Orange County Business Council (BIZPAC); as well as real estate entities/PACs such as Orange County Association of Realtors (OCAR) and California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC) and Sentinel Development.

“These billboards are worth millions of dollars to the developer. I urge you to please look at all of the candidates 460's (campaign statements) to see for yourself the outside money that has come into this council race. The outcome of this election will determine if we will have a Las Vegas Strip in Mission Viejo or not.