Mission Viejo Buzz - 03/03/12

The Buzz

Last month, Councilman Frank Ury did some political posturing for Aegean Hills residents. He asked the city to initiate a discussion between Lake Mission Viejo and Aegean Hills homeowners to give an impression he wants to help them become Lake members. In non-election years, council majority members (Frank Ury, Trish Kelley and Dave Leckness) treat Aegean Hills like the city’s red-headed stepchild. Aegean Hills was annexed after Lake Mission Viejo Association formed its boundaries, and the support of 75 percent of the Lake’s members would be needed to include Aegean Hills. The only time Ury will mention it again is in his campaign literature.


CLASS Act petitions to stop SB 48 will be available this week. SB 48 was signed into law by Gov. Moonbeam in July 2011. SB 48 uses public school social science curriculum, including history books and other instructional materials, to teach children as young as age 5 to support transgenderism, bisexuality and homosexuality. SB 48 was misrepresented to the public and passed as a bill to stop bullying. Proponents of CLASS Act say the Secretary of State held up the petition’s Title and Summary, taking more time than legally allowed. The deadline to get signatures in is July 11. To print the petition online, go to http://classact2012.com/get-involved/sign-the-petition/ . For additional information, email Danielle@stopsb48.com


OC Supv. Shawn Nelson’s Mar. 2 newsletter describes “SCAG Schemes,” of the Southern California Association of Governments. Nelson says the agency passed dubious funding requests. He opposed two sponsorships, one for $1,000 to the Association of California Cities, Orange County for its 2012 Board of Directors Installation Ceremony and the other for a California Transportation Commission Reception in the amount of $500. Nelson says they were unnecessary and inappropriate uses of members’ dues, as SCAG did not need to advertise its services in the program or during the event. The $500 CTC sponsorship was a retroactive approval since the event occurred on Feb. 22, more than a week prior to its authorization at the Regional Council. Another item authorized spending “up to” $5,000 each for two Board members to visit rail sites in China and Japan later this month. Nelson opposed this as being outside the jurisdiction of SCAG, which is not in the business of building railways, and another inappropriate use of members’ dues.


Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere says, “It costs about $0.76 cents per mile to operate a Chevy Volt and about $0.10 per mile to operate a ‘dirty energy’ car. No wonder the government likes the Volt. You do get something with a Volt that non-electric cars don't seem to have, and that is spontaneous combustion...of the CAR!”


Reminder from Mission Viejo Chapter Leader Bruce Mayall: ACT for America, Mission Viejo Chapter, will hold a general meeting on Mon., Mar. 12. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Steven Martel, author, futurist, philosopher and passionate advocate for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. His topic will be “Shariah, Islamic Law: a grave threat to America’s existence?” The meeting location is the Norman P. Murray Community Center, Sycamore B room, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo. Sign up for chapter announcements at www.act4oc.org


Here’s a message to Barack Obama, forwarded by Mission Viejo Tea Party Patriot Bob G. Use it as a diagnostic tool – if you don’t get goose bumps, something is wrong with you! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=JVAhr4hZDJE&vq=medium#t=19 got 6 million hits in four days – pass it on.