Mission Viejo Buzz - 03/10/12

The Buzz

On Mar. 5, the council considered an ordinance identifying very high severity fire zones and then delayed making a decision. When Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht asked the city attorney if all property owners are responsible for reducing fire hazards, he said yes. Residents pointed to the city’s failure to remove trees and other vegetation creating significant fire hazards. City staff members – particularly Keith Rattay – have touted Mission Viejo as a “tree city with a million trees.” The numbers reached that level partly through the city’s negligence – refusal to remove trees and other vegetation from city property – creating tinderboxes adjacent to homes.


When Mission Viejo escaped devastating damage in recent years, the saving grace came largely through acts of nature and strokes of luck. During the 2007 wildfires, the fire line reached Mission Viejo’s border, and then the wind shifted. Severe windstorms this season battered neighboring areas, but not Mission Viejo. Residents now are being asked to carry the burden of risk, having their property rezoned to accommodate government negligence.


Absent from the dais during the Mar. 5 fire map discussions were Councilmen Frank Ury and Dave Leckness. They recused themselves, saying their homes are “close” to the areas being discussed. What’s really too close for comfort, especially for Ury, is the risk of going up against the firefighter’s union. Remaining on the dais, Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht, Rhonda Reardon and Trish Kelley asked the Orange County Fire Authority and city staff to come up with options, to be taken up again at a future meeting.


The city staff’s glossy and pointless “Outlook” magazine arrived in mailboxes last week. It contains happy talk but no substance – no data about the city’s diminishing funds and certainly no mention of wildfire issues. However, taxpayers can enjoy reading about the city’s next party. Incredibly, participants are invited to join in an Earth Day Festival and Volunteer Planting. This is the annual event in which thousands of trees and shrubs are supposedly “donated” by vendors (who are already billing the taxpayers, so no one knows what is donated or purchased). When volunteers don’t materialize, the city pays for contract workers to plant all that remains, which is practically the entire delivery. The event is then pronounced a huge success.


Another publication controlled by the city staff, Saddleback Valley News, published photos in its Mar. 9 issue of City Hall’s “Up, up and away” fiasco. A two-paragraph story says “hundreds” attended. The photographer apparently had trouble finding any attendee who wasn’t a city staffer or a resident of another city. With 150-plus city employees, plus such event performers as “stilt walkers” and vendors in booths, “hundreds” of people are well accounted for.


As for the above mention of SVN being under the thumb of the city staff, activists several years ago uncovered an exchange of emails between City Manager Dennis Wilberg and SVN employees. Wilberg not only directed what they should publish, he gave them a list of people to call or interview about city “news.” Since that time, SVN has published virtually no letters to the editor except reprints from the OC Register – usually about national or global topics. So-called news briefs generated by city employees, formerly attributed to SVN “staff,” now have no attribution at all.


The Planning and Transportation Commission meets on Mon., Mar. 12, 6:30 p.m. Agenda Item No. 3 is the first public meeting on the proposed land swap with the county, making way for the city’s proposed $1-million-plus dog park. Agenda Item No. 4 is UDR’s request to remove the affordable housing component from its very high density apartment project on the former K-mart site.


Christian-basher James Corbett is challenging Assemblywoman Diane Harkey in the 73rd A.D. Twenty-three people have filed to become candidates for six seats in the Republican Central Committee’s 73rd Assembly District. As with the GOP Central Committee race of 2010, some of the “Republican” candidates had to change their voter registrations to Republican in order to run. Fortunately, none of the pseudo-Republicans won in this A.D. in 2010 (Mission Viejo was in the 71st prior to redistricting). Here’s a link to the list of June Primary 2012 candidates, comprising 101 pages of the stampede for office: http://ocvote.com/election/pri2012/candlog.pdf


The lamestream media reported last month that Obama’s popularity was surging. According to the most recent Rasmussen Daily Tracking (3-11-12), he’s in the tank with a -19 index. Twenty-five percent of the nation’s voters strongly approve and 44 percent strongly disapprove of the way he is performing his role as president. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_his tory


ACT for America Chapter Leader Bruce Mayall sent out a reminder of the group’s meeting on Mon., Mar. 12. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Steven Martel, author, futurist, philosopher and passionate advocate for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. His topic will be “Shariah, Islamic Law: a grave threat to America’s existence?” The meeting location is the Norman P. Murray Community Center, Sycamore B room, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo. Sign up for chapter announcements at www.act4oc.org


Atlas PAC is supporting several events this month. On Wed., Mar. 14, attend a reception and dinner with Speaker John Boehner at The Island Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Attending will be Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher, Ed Royce, John Campbell and Ken Calvert. RSVP to Stacy Davis at (949) 474-6930 or stacy@stacydavis.com . On Sun., Mar. 25, join Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s annual Irish pub event from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Skosh Monahan’s Pub, 2000 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, RSVP to Irish2012@gmail.com or (714) 655-9420. Attend Robert Hammond’s State Assembly Reception on Sat., Mar. 17, 5:00 p.m., at 1075 Castlerock Ln., Santa Ana, call Dawn at (714) 263-5122 for information. Jon Dumitru is running for Mayor of Orange and holding a fundraiser on Wed., Mar. 28, 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., The District Lounge, 223 W. Chapman, Orange, RSVP to Danielle at (949) 230-9609 or dumitruformayor@gmail.com . Special rates for Atlas PAC members on some of the above.