Mission Viejo Buzz - 04/13/13

The Buzz

Councilman Dave Leckness seems excited that the mayor appointed him to the Orange County Vector Control Board, where he can learn about bugs and rats. “It’s the most important thing in the county,” Dave said during the April 1 council meeting. He seemed to be presenting the same report he had given before, but isn’t the county’s most important thing worth repeating? He’s particularly interested in mosquitos breeding in swimming pools of vacant homes. He reported that Vector Control puts fish into the pools to control the mosquitos, but now he’s wondering how to control the fish that eat the mosquitos. Unless the fish are jumping out and biting people, it’s not the most important thing in the county.


The garish cover of city hall’s Spring-Summer Outlook magazine is giving most Mission Viejo residents their first and only look at a $500,000 room in the library. Few residents will see the actual room, even if they go to the library, because it is kept locked. No explanation is given on why decorating one relatively small room cost half a million dollars. The decor includes wooden crates for chairs, floor covering that looks like scraps of mismatched carpet and a plastic tree. It’s a very odd-looking, high-priced room.


Councilman Frank Ury seems particularly surly lately. During the April 1 council meeting, he ridiculed three residents who spoke at the public microphone. It’s amazing anyone would bother going to a council meeting, as Ury even attacks residents sitting in the audience. A city watchdog offered an explanation: “Ury is termed out, and he’s frustrated. He’s marking time on a council he can’t stand, listening to residents he can’t stand. Women are monopolizing higher office, playing musical chairs, and he’s stuck in Mission Viejo. By the way, no Mission Viejo council member has ever won higher office.”


Which Republicans voted against the Second Amendment last week? Mark Levin made passionate remarks about those who turned their backs on the Constitution and their states. Mark Levin The 13 Republicans Who Voted For Gun Control. Additionally, here are the 16 Republican senators who voted for cloture:

  • Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
  • Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
  • Richard Burr (N.C.)
  • Saxby Chambliss (Ga.)
  • Tom Coburn (Okla.)
  • Susan Collins (Maine)
  • Bob Corker (Tenn.)
  • Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
  • Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
  • Dean Heller (Nev.)
  • John Hoeven (N.D.)
  • Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
  • Mark Kirk (Ill.)
  • John McCain (Ariz.)
  • Patrick Toomey (Pa.)
  • Roger Wicker (Miss.)
            • ***

From Patriot Action Network: President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid $112,214 in federal income taxes in 2012 on adjusted gross income of $608,611, an effective rate of 18.4%, the White House said last week. The first family's income declined from the $789,674 in adjusted gross income they reported in 2011. That year they paid total federal taxes of $162,074, an effective rate of 20.5%. Their 2012 income continues a steep decline from 2010 when they reported $1.7 million in adjusted gross income, the bulk of which was royalties from sales from books written by Mr. Obama. Read More:

Why are gov't benefits excluded from taxable income? Obama and Biden receive millions in benefits everybody else in the "real" world would have to claim as income. When the Obama daughters go skiing at Jackson Hole, is that legitimate gov't business? Barack sure likes the politics of spending other people's money as well as personally spending other people's money. What!!! The Obamas' rate was less than Warren Buffets Secretary! Sorry could not resist. Old Joe Biden needs the President’s tax firm as his rate was >20%.