What Happened to Common Courtesy?

What happened to common courtesy?
Letter to the editor

Wasn’t Monday night’s city council meeting a real show? Hopefully, the mayor’s temporary rudeness to his colleagues was caused by his desire to get home to watch the national college basketball finals that night.

Why did the mayor feel the need to turn on his microphone and attempt to interrupt and/or talk over Councilman John Paul Ledesma during the agenda item requesting an audit on how, where and for what use Capistrano Unified School District is spending OUR money? Isn’t much of this money raised by Mission Viejo taxpayers from our Mello-Roos, Redevelopment Agency and Measure A funds?

Does the CUSD superintendent need his Taj Mahal offices being built now, costing $32 million, up to perhaps $52 million when all furnishings and finishing touches are added? Should the superintendent continue busing more and even more students to overcrowded Newhart Middle School? Is it true that some students have to sit on the floor? I hope Mission Viejo taxpayers and parents will visit some of these decrepit facilities.

Did Councilman Frank Ury really need to slowly read his proposal for an athletic center to another colleague, accusing that person either of not reading or being unable to understand his plans? Whatever happened to common courtesy on this Mission Viejo City Council? Should not the citizens of Mission Viejo have the right to vote on any councilman’s pet project, especially when millions of dollars are involved?

Beverly Cruse
Mission Viejo