Don't Overlook Economic Development

Don’t Overlook Economic Development
Letter to the editor

Letters have appeared in this blog about economic loss that comes from shopping in other cities. It’s a double-edged sword if shoppers have to go to other cities to find what they want. I don’t think enough effort is put into developing businesses or keeping them in Mission Viejo.

Mission Viejo has nice stores and restaurants, but you have to know where they are. I think the best part of the Saddleback Valley News is Marilyn Grein’s column, “Business Watch.” More could be done to promote business in Mission Viejo. For example, the “City Outlook” could do this, which would help both the businesses and the newsletter’s contents.

Many businesses fail, and it brings down the city’s economy. We can stop some of the loss by spreading the word about what’s here.

Nadine Harder
Mission Viejo