Mission Viejo Buzz - 11/03/07

The Buzz column, Nov. 3

A Buzz reader found a bright spot in the county’s political meltdown: “First, Sheriff Mike Carona’s old buddy George Jaramillo was busted for corruption. Some people predicted that Jaramillo wouldn’t go down alone, and he’s taking Carona with him. County D.A. Tony Rackaukas and some of the county supervisors are telling Carona to resign. Carona could do to others what Jaramillo did to him. If Carona turns on the county’s power club, it would be prime entertainment. I hope they’re so busy trying to bury each other that the county GOP stays out of Mission Viejo’s city elections.”


Conflicting news releases have appeared for several days, announcing that Carona is temporarily stepping aside … or not. The name appearing as the person temporarily in charge is Undersheriff Jo Ann Gilisky. Mission Viejo’s Jack Anderson frequently gets a mention when everyone is guessing who will become the next OC Sheriff.


Where’s the money? As part of Steadfast’s deal with the city to rezone its parcel at Jeronimo and Los Alisos, Steadfast was supposed to pay the city $2 million because it provided no park or recreation space in its development. Councilwoman Trish Kelley was among those going on about the bonanza of having $2 million to spend. Somehow, the tremendous cost (to the neighborhood, property values, city services including police, fire, etc.) went over her head. Damage has already taken place with more traffic, additional stoplights, an unsightly corner, etc. When will Steadfast pay up?


Buzz readers continue to ask why the city is still meeting behind closed doors with Steadfast and Target. Possibilities include Steadfast trying to get the parcel zoned back to commercial after putting residents through the mill. Most of those speculating believe Steadfast wants out after taking a financial beating. Steadfast said publicly more than a year ago that Target would take over after a certain period of time if Steadfast wasn’t able to complete the housing component of the mixed-use plan.


Report from a Target shopper: “I often drive by the two Target stores in Mission Viejo to compare how busy they are. I’m still concerned Target will close the store on Alicia after saying both stores will stay open. The new store was very busy for two weeks after it opened in October. This week, the new store’s parking lot was half empty, and the old store’s huge lot was full. The vacant lot (Steadfast) next to the new store still has a couple graders and other equipment parked there, plus two portable toilets – what a nice sight for Target’s customers.”


Parents in the Capo school district are urging community members to attend the school board meeting on Mon., Nov. 5, at the district office, 33122 Valle Road in San Juan Capistrano. On the agenda is $15 million in expenses for the new high school in San Juan, dubbed “dump high” for its location next to a dumpsite. Mission Viejo parents are urging the board to spend more on deteriorating schools instead of continuing to give the new high school preferential treatment. Cost of the new high school has already exceeded $150 million. The board meeting begins at 7 p.m.