Base Priorities on Needs, Not Politics

Base CUSD Priorities on Needs, Not Politics
Letter to the editor

The Orange County Register article, "High school stadium sparks debate," [Nov. 7] summarized yet another Capistrano school district board meeting, but it did not capture the truly momentous change that occurred that night.

Politics were definitely played, with students paraded in and parents demanding their due. Absurd statements were made, such as, "If your students really want toilets as much as we want a stadium, why are they not here tonight asking for them?" But common sense would say that no student should have to stand in front of their school board and ask that their campus have enough restrooms. 

No student should have to ask that they be able to sit in a clean classroom with decent air and ceiling tiles in place. No student should have to ask for their basic health and safety needs to be met. Yes, politics were played in that meeting, but for the first time in a very long time, politics did not win in a CUSD board meeting. Common sense and fairness won. 

All facilities at all 56 school sites in CUSD will be assessed in the same process, and priorities will be set according to actual needs, not politics.

Sharon O’Brien
Mission Viejo