Look for Reasonable Location and Cost

Look for Reasonable Location and Cost
Reader response, dog park debate

I just came from the second Dog Park Workshop at the council chambers. It appears most people support a dog park, but many residents from the Alicia Park area don't want the dog park there. Fair enough. If they don't want a dog park in THEIR back yard, perhaps the city can annex the slope behind my house and put the dog park in MY back yard! 

However, it seems the second proposed location of Oso Viejo Park drew the least opposition. Fine by me, but I just don't want a dog park south of Oso Parkway. With this city's horrendous traffic, I would rarely ever use it. 

The issue of the dog park's cost was another matter. Many people still don't understand why it would take approximately $1 million to build this park. How much can steel fencing and a few park benches cost? However, if the city can afford a $14-million library that high school kids use to hit on each other after school, then it can afford a modest dog park. 

Maintaining the park was another hot item. Projections call for about $30,000 in maintenance annually (touch-up paint for the fence and grass seed?) and another $500 per month for waste removal. I'm not sure how many licensed dogs we have in Mission Viejo, but at $20+ a pop each year, I'm sure there will be adequate funds available, unless, of course, the city has already squandered our dog tag fees for other idiotic things, like more traffic lights.

Mitch Kronowit
Mission Viejo