Tea Partiers Protest on April 15

Tea Partiers Protest on April 15

Approximately 600 to 700 Tea Partiers rallied in Mission Viejo on Tax Day, April 15. The event was scheduled from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., but participants began arriving with flags and signs shortly after 4:00. By 5:00, people lined up, four to five deep, along the sidewalks at La Paz Road and Marguerite Parkway.

Those who attended last year’s April 15 rally in the same location said this year’s was bigger and better. Mark Dobrilovic (city commissioner, NRA leader, Saddleback Republican Assembly board member and a candidate for the GOP Central Committee) served as master of ceremonies. Shortly after 5:00, he introduced the keynote speaker, Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute.

SRA President Matt Corrigan welcomed the Tea Partiers, who had gathered to protest wasteful spending and overgrown government. Bill Hunt, a candidate for OC Sheriff, had many supporters in the crowd when he spoke about his campaign. He stayed throughout the event, talking with individuals and small groups gathering around him.

Also speaking was South Orange County Community College District Board President Don Wagner, who is a candidate in the June 8 Primary Election. Wagner is running in the 70th Assembly District to replace Chuck DeVore, who terms out of office this year. GOP Central Committee Member Jack Anderson asked the crowd to get involved by volunteering to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) in the June and November elections. Also addressing the group was California Republican Assembly Vice President Scott Voigts.

To view more photographs of Tea Partiers and a video of the rally, check out the April 15 post on Rick Moore’s Website, http://www.holycoast.com.

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