Healthcare By Witch's Brew

Healthcare By Witch’s Brew
by Bob Serrao, Tea Party Patriot

Witch: Bubble. Bubble. Toil and trouble. Drink it!

Citizen: Toue! Toue! What’s in this brew?

Witch: Ah, you must first drink it to know.

Citizen: But, perchance it is poison?

Witch: OK. Husk of corn, purchase of Louisiana, funding of abortion, pound of union, pinch of bribe, fat of Wall Street cats, shell of acorn, slew of czars, handful of coercion, extract of job, fat of pork, dicing of trillions, mountain of debt, Fanny of Mae, state-run of media, extract of C-SPAN, boiling of doctors, extract of Republicans, cream of insurance companies, mint of money, control of gun, collapse of economy, end of life consultation, Reserve of Fed, Bill of Stimulus, hint of amnesty, cash of clunkers, chopping of Medicare Benefits, Freddie of Mack, cluster of cronyism, draining of doctors’ fees, ration of care, sprinkle of medical information, roll of party power, slight of birth, refry of reconciliation, rule of Slaughter and shred of Constitution. It’s all here warming in this global vat of tax, mmm-mmm-mmm. Have I forgotten anything?

Citizen: Yes! How about the Bill of Cap and Trade? And, for what is this concoction?

Witch: For you, of course…insurance coverage for you and other uninsured subjects. This brew will guarantee a high of unemployment, high of inflation… taxation beyond the high of any drug. It is our social drug of choice…at least for now.

Citizen: We are not subjects! We are American citizens with God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By the way, where is Scott Brown and the Supreme Court for rescue of sanity and justice?

Witch: Scott Brown has already been added and absorbed, poor boy, poor boy. Yea, the Courts are Supremely broken. And, nay, there will be no tort. Suweeet, huh?

Citizen: But, what of Amendment of Stupak and his band of uprights?

Witch: Ah, mere egg shells, disposable by purchase, coercion or bribe.

Citizen: And, what of Senate Parliamentarian Frumin and his warning of ‘out-of-order’ procedure?

Witch: Mere vapor…a wisp of steam.

Citizen: And, what of trillions of dollars of Congressional Business Office ‘cost alarm?’

Witch: Easy. We just borrow from The Fed, from China and India, then lay it firmly on the backs of you and your children. It’s taxation abuse, stupid.

Citizen: How dare you countenance such sleight-of-hand, such violation of rights, such oppression of citizen?

Witch: Ah, the recipes for these time-perfected skills are found in the cookbooks of Alinsky and Marx. And, you are annoying me!

Citizen: But, we Americans prefer the sweet taste of liberty layered thick on a foundation of The Constitution served on a plate of integrity and seasoned by the test of time. By these values and the freedom of enterprise, America has become sound, prosperous and great.

Witch: Nonsense! Away with such fragile sentiment…and your stupid Constitution!

Citizen: Well, what’s the hurry? Why the deadlines?

Witch: Oh yes, there will be plenty of dead lines for growing numbers of seniors, eee-hee-hee. Tricky, eh?! This concoction is something that doesn’t need the curing of time as it has a tendency to go flat rapidly. We wanted it served by Thanksgiving, but, no! Then, as your Christmas present, but, drats! Now, Sonny Boy wants it swallowed by Spring Recess, so we must force feed the brew this week. Sonny Boy is jetting off to Indonesia to visit his place of birth…or wherever.

Citizen: But, the U.S. Constitution requires a ratifying vote by both Houses before it can be signed into law. You can no longer use shred of Constitution for fire! You outrage me!

Witch: Harry one, come. Hold still the impudent patient. Force the mouth open while I pour.

Citizen: No! This smells like the excrement of tyranny! It’s wrong! We do not consent to such leadership. You guards are untrustworthy. We shall be rid of you and install new guards, and soon.

Witch: Wutt-ever! And, just before force-feeding you this coverage, I will stir in the spices of amnesty, fraud of voter, universal of registration and vote of felon. Mmm-mmm-mmm!

Citizen: I warn you, Witch, you are inciting a political revolution of patriots.

Witch: Yes, but for now, my silly, it lives. Get used to it, even if it means the paying of fines from behind prison bars. Remember, we have law of martial at your disposal. Come, Rahmbo, come Ax-Rod; twist both arms. The national health mix must be served. Mwahahaha.

It takes only 60 SECONDS to say [to one’s elected representative]…

"I am an American citizen and this bill is not limited to the constituents in your district. This bill will affect every American and how I vote in November. I strongly oppose Obamacare because it has no Constitutional basis; it funds abortion; creates deficit spending; abuses taxpayers for generations; too controlling; will ration care; steals from Medicare; too much bureaucracy; gov’t option enslaves citizens; limits choice; forces insurance companies out of business; has Gestapo-like fines and imprisonments; is socialistic; needs tort reform."