Tea Party Update

Tea Party Update

The Tax Day Protest in Mission Viejo is on target for Friday, April 15, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The Republican Party of Orange County and Saddleback Republican Assembly will host the event on the street corners of La Paz Road and Marguerite Parkway.

Tea Party organizers will provide a variety of protest signs. They also encourage attendees to bring signs and American flags to wave. Here are examples of favorite signs from previous Tea Parties.

I’ll pay for my house, you pay for yours!
Barack Baroke Our Banks
Socialism: chains you can believe in
Government healthcare is like British teeth
If you want to stop 1984, get some 1776
Socialism = trickle-up poverty
Don’t tell Obama what’s after a trillion
Put the Constitution on your teleprompter
Dude, where’s my country?
Honk if you’re paying my mortgage
Don’t apologize for America, Apologize to America
Cap and Trade = Trap and Raid
DC: If You Have Time To Read My Sign, Try Reading Some Legislation!
3000% less spending in all 57 states!
Debt is the problem, so how can it be the solution?
Don’t Bail Out the Boat: FIX THE LEAK
Don’t spread the wealth; spread my work ethic
No Government Hell Care
Free Markets, Not Free Loaders!
Give Us a Break Before We Are Broke

Watch for Tea Party announcements on http://www.missionviejoca.org and http://www.ocgop.org