Keep the Faith by Bob Serrao
Dietrich Bonhoeffer discovered a valuable lesson as a prisoner in the Nazi camps. The Nazis could control everything … everything except his attitudes. Stripped of all else, he was rich with the sovereign choice of attitudes, positive or negative. He reached deeply into spiritual resources and drew out the greatest of attitudes. He grants to his captors…divine love! He loves them, sincerely! Obviously, this kind love confused his enemies and became their torture, because it humanized both him and them (victim and villain). They stood on the ground of common humanity. Sure, it was risky, but it once again proved that the power of love is greater than the sword. It also proved to be his temporary lifeline.
How does this relate today? I confess that at times in my political journey I don’t like my attitudes. I find myself angry, anxious, hateful, frustrated, judgmental and vindictive. My inner peace, trust in God and man, shattered! There’s overspending! Bloated bureaucracies! Inflation! Unemployment! Globalism! Tyranny! The incredulity of administrative stupidity and tyranny drive me crazy. I’m yelling at the TV, having bad dreams, and becoming argumentative. And, cursing! Yes, though biblical words only. Obviously, I’m functioning, but in my limited personal resources.
Bonhoeffer writes, “God's truth judges created things out of love, and Satan's truth judges them out of envy and hatred.”
In America’s battle for liberty, truth and justice, a tactic of the enemy is to generate reaction. In my case, it would be to get me to fall out of love, to abandon my faith and to live in fear and hatred. Every poke-in-the-eye from a renegade regime winds me ever tighter. Every new idea threatens the sacred ideals of the old, and rage is born again and again. Can you relate? So, how can we break the cycle?
Well, from time-to-time I get a wake-up call. Out of nowhere a shaft of laser “light” penetrates the “clouds” of my doubt and despair. A still, small voice of reflection breaks the silence – WHAT’S HAPPENING TO YOU, BOB?! That’s when I know I’m in real trouble! I wince, close my eyes and step into that imaginary courtroom of self-reflection to which I’ve been summonsed. Some of you know -- only the brave go here!
In this spiritual reflection I’m called to affirm that love conquers all things…that every person is providentially gifted with inalienable rights…that pity is due to all leaders who fail to live up to their duty and oath…that there are spiritual answers to every problem…that God is good and the ultimate Judge of the world…that truth and justice ultimately win out…that I can only do my best. Herein is my healing.
So, after the spiritual adjustments are made, I can leave the courtroom of self-reflection with renewed strength to once again step into the battle and fight like hell (biblical). After all, it’s my civic responsibility!
What Bonhoeffer proved under his extreme circumstances is exemplary to us all. Of all the emotional choices at the table of life we will taste the bitter and rotten. And, over time, these can choke the life out of us. But, faith, hope and love are so sustainable. Gorge yourself and get fat on the pure, the lovely and the good report. After all, we have the sovereignty. Let’s use it for good!