Mission Viejo Buzz - 04/23/11

The Buzz

A political storm developed when the California Republican Assembly held its annual convention in Sacramento on April 15-17. Challenging CRA President Celeste Greig was Karen England and her slate of candidates for nearly every CRA board position. Delegates who indicated they attended with an open mind said Greig’s slate won the arguments and showed trustworthiness. While each slate had its share of loyal supporters, the neutral delegates said they were leaning toward Greig’s slate midway through the convention after hearing both sides. As reported on last week’s blog, Greig’s entire slate won seats on the board.


Councilwoman Trish Kelley apparently thinks Mission Viejo residents need the government to teach them how to feed themselves. With Kelley’s diversions, City Hall occupants can now stray even further from providing essential services, such as repairing the streets. Kelley’s recent council resolution promotes HEAL – Healthy Eating Active Living, which has been around for at least five years. Other government attempts at controlling what people eat predate HEAL -- with about the same results – an ineffective, self-congratulatory farce. How many examples can anyone cite where the government has HEALed anything?


A message from Jenifer Hagge to all members of California Tea Partiers Unite on Tea Party Patriots: “High paying jobs are out there – you just need to know where to look. http://peerfly.com/x/0/2248/25666/TeaParty . Also visit California Tea Partiers Unite at:


From the Tea Party Patriots Website: A mid-January 2011 Gallup poll
http://www.gallup.com/poll/145838/americans-believe-gop-consider-tea-party-ideas.aspx showed that seven in 10 adults nationwide, covering Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, say it is important that leaders in Congress take the Tea Party movement's position and objectives into account as they address the nation's problems. Among Republicans this number is 88 percent, even though only half are self-identified as Tea Party supporters. A February 2011 Rasmussen Poll http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/february_2011/68_believe_gover nment_and_big_business_work_together_against_the_rest_of_us indicates that 68 percent of likely-voters believe big government and big business work together against the interests of consumers and investors. This view is shared across partisan, demographic and ideological lines. Rasmussen states: "As a result, the gap today between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them may be as big as the gap between the colonies and England during the 18th century. And that's true whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge."


While reviewing Rasmussen Reports, check out how the president is doing: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking _poll