by Bob Serrao

congression: con-gre'-shun; n. – Congress’ aggression on American citizens to effect maximum damage to them and the Republic; an art refined by legislators through years of practiced deception in a feigned benevolence toward the people they fail to represent; a habitual violation of public trust.

           Hell has broken lose upon America. Our nation contorts in political betrayal, treason and looming oppression.

      It’s about both parties acting on a political stage, feigning to work for their constituents. The majority of Americans live in a blind trust of their leaders who, in turn, betray that trust every day. Sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution and protect the rights of Americans, they legislate to the contrary with impunity.

      It’s about Capitol Hill elites taxing the life out of free marketers, destroying capitalism and micro-managing every citizen.

      It’s about Barrack Obama no longer working in the best interest of the United States and the American people. Instead, he’s a slick package feigning concern for the populace. At the direction of puppeteer power brokers, he abandons national interests for global agendas, governance and domination.

      It’s about Barrack Obama violating his oath and office of public trust by expanding his powers beyond constitutional enumeration. For these treasonous reasons he is worthy of impeachment.

      It’s about one-third of WE THE PEOPLE rising up to fight the battle of totalitarian tyranny all over again. It’s about two-thirds of WE THE PEOPLE luxuriating in ignorance and apathy. It will take some pain before they wake up: pain at the pump, at the grocery store, at the divorce courts, at the child detention centers, at the psychiatrists, at the bread lines, rescue missions and FEMA camps.

      It’s about each new generation starting out on a new “base-line”, accepting oppression as the given norm, seeing no need to reform tyrannical government.

      It’s about CONGRESSION.