CONGRESSION! by Bob Serrao www.intodaysenglish.com
congression: con-gre'-shun; n. – Congress’ aggression on American citizens to effect maximum damage to them and the Republic; an art refined by legislators through years of practiced deception in a feigned benevolence toward the people they fail to represent; a habitual violation of public trust.
Hell has broken lose upon America. Our nation contorts in political betrayal, treason and looming oppression.
It’s about both parties acting on a political stage, feigning to work for their constituents. The majority of Americans live in a blind trust of their leaders who, in turn, betray that trust every day. Sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution and protect the rights of Americans, they legislate to the contrary with impunity.
It’s about Capitol Hill elites taxing the life out of free marketers, destroying capitalism and micro-managing every citizen.
It’s about Barrack Obama no longer working in the best interest of the United States and the American people. Instead, he’s a slick package feigning concern for the populace. At the direction of puppeteer power brokers, he abandons national interests for global agendas, governance and domination.
It’s about Barrack Obama violating his oath and office of public trust by expanding his powers beyond constitutional enumeration. For these treasonous reasons he is worthy of impeachment.
It’s about one-third of WE THE PEOPLE rising up to fight the battle of totalitarian tyranny all over again. It’s about two-thirds of WE THE PEOPLE luxuriating in ignorance and apathy. It will take some pain before they wake up: pain at the pump, at the grocery store, at the divorce courts, at the child detention centers, at the psychiatrists, at the bread lines, rescue missions and FEMA camps.
It’s about each new generation starting out on a new “base-line”, accepting oppression as the given norm, seeing no need to reform tyrannical government.
VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebOTc-7shU
CUSD Update
A popular economic plan, “kicking the can down the road,” is being applied by Capo Unified School District. The district is facing a $26 million shortfall. Buying time isn’t the best solution, but the board’s majority members decided to do what’s best for the union instead of what’s best for students, parents and taxpayers.
Pro-union emails circulated recently, trying to raise money to add another union-backed trustee in the November 2012 election. Apparently, it isn’t enough for the union to have only three guaranteed votes on the board, plus the votes of two others who generally support the union in a 5-2 split.
Patch.com does an excellent job of covering Capo school district issues. Patch reporter Penny Arevalo’s articles about CUSD generally appear in the San Juan Capistrano edition of Patch. Even when CUSD’s administrators try to hide the bad news, Arevalo finds it.
For example, a Patch article describes how majority members on the board voted during closed session, rewarding the teachers union $9 million with a “giveback” following the election last November of the three new pro-union trustees to the board. Arevalo’s search of public records shows how a district official attempted to tamp down publicity, as Patch reported: http://sanjuancapistrano.patch.com/articles/capo-had-wanted-to-minimize-publicity-about-teacher-pay
Information provided by the two reader comments below show the great disservice by the new board members. How many people in CUSD are aware of what took place?
Reader response:
“It appears CUSD wanted to keep the union givebacks quiet because it doesn't have the money to pay for the givebacks. CUSD has tacitly admitted that the additional funding that allegedly triggered contract restoration has been deferred to the next fiscal year (assuming Brown & demos don't defer the payment longer). Simply put, CUSD gave union givebacks without first having received the money to do so and while facing having to cut millions. It is now in the absurd position of having to cut its budget by the dollar amount of union givebacks it has provided. In other words, CUSD's deficit has been increased by the dollar amount (roughly $9,000,000) of the Union givebacks even though CUSD was already facing having to cut millions from its budget. Now CUSD is scrambling to obtain bridge financing to cover the gaping hole in its budget. In the real world, the CUSD administration and the Board members who conspired to give back millions that CUSD didn"t need to give back and that it doesn't have would have been promptly removed. Instead, they remain and approximate 350 employees, a large majority of which are teachers, will be laid off. As a consequence, programs will be slashed and class sizes will be increased dramatically. Of course, taking money out of the classroom and giving it to the unions is really ‘all about our kids.’ Maybe our kids would get a better shake if it wasn't ‘always about them.’”
The second reader comment provides an insightful summary:
- CUEA poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the last election to get their candidates elected.
- At the very first meeting of the union board, in closed session they violated the Brown Act to restore salaries as a payoff for their campaign contributions.
- The union board then denied that they voted to restore salaries.
- Walton [CUSD staff member] sought to hide this action with his "confidential press release". He also facilitated secret deliberations between board members by bcc-ing the board (more Brown Act violations).
- When asked by Patch for public documents to clarify the situation, CUSD said this public information came with a $270,000 price tag.
- The board held another meeting (that was probably also a violation of the Brown Act) to reaffirm a vote it supposedly never took
- In the face of millions of dollars of further cuts, the union board is continuing to pay off special interest groups in CUSD.
- There is definitely a strategy in play here and it doesn't favor the students or the community.
Voters became confused last November over a popular slogan, “throw the bums out.” The union spent more than $300,000 to get its candidates elected, and the voters “threw the bums in.” Whether or not constituents have children in CUSD, nearly everyone knows something is wrong with the district.
Washington Update Congressman Gary Miller
July 15, 2011 -- This week in Congress:
Flood Insurance – On Tuesday, July 12, the House approved H.R. 1309 by a vote of 406-22. The bill would reauthorize the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to enter into and renew flood insurance policies through Fiscal Year (FY) 2016. That authority is currently scheduled to expire at the end of the current fiscal year. H.R.1309 would institute reforms that would improve NFIP’s financial stability, reduce the burden on taxpayers, and facilitate the creation of a private market that eliminates taxpayer risk over the long term.
Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act– On Wednesday, July 13, the House approved H.R. 2018 by a vote of 239-184. The bill would amend the Clean Water Act (CWA) and restrict the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to issue revised or new water quality standards for a pollutant whenever a state has adopted and the EPA already has approved a water quality standard for that pollutant, unless the state concurs with the EPA Administrator’s determination that the revised or new standard is necessary to meet the requirements of the CWA. The bill would also prevent unilateral actions by the EPA that second-guess the decisions of state regulatory agencies. In addition, H.R. 2018 would place limits on the EPA’s ability to veto dredge and fill permits issued by the Army Corps of Engineers and give states more flexibility to administer these permitting programs. Lastly, the legislation would spur job growth by reining in portions of the EPA’s burdensome regulatory agenda, which continues to create more barriers to economic growth and job creation.
FY 2012 Energy and Water Appropriations– On Friday, July 15, the House passed H.R. 2354 by a vote of 219-196. The Energy and Water Appropriations Act of 2012 would provide a total of $30.6 billion in non-emergency, discretionary budget authority for various agencies and programs under the Department of Energy, including the National Nuclear Security Administration, as well as the Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Water Reclamation, and various regional water and power authorities. Budget authority in the bill represents a reduction of $1 billion, or 3.3 percent, below current spending levels and $5.9 billion, or 16 percent, below the President’s request. H.R. 2354 also meets Republicans’ pledge to roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels – with exceptions for seniors, veterans, and the troops – by reducing budget authority by $249 million below the FY 2008 level.
Next Week (July 18-22):
Cut, Cap, and Balance — Next week, the House is scheduled to consider the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011. This legislation would mandate immediate spending cuts of over $100 billion in FY 2012, and would institute spending caps over the next 10 years, reaching 19.9 percent of GDP in 2021 and all subsequent fiscal years. The bill would provide for the President’s request for a debt ceiling increase if a qualifying Balanced Budget Amendment passes Congress and is sent to the states for ratification.
FAA Reauthorization — The House is also expected to consider legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Most recently, the House approved H.R. 2279, a short-term extension of FAA authorization, by unanimous consent, extending programs until July 22, 2011. On February 27, 2011, the Senate approved S. 232, a full FAA authorization bill by a vote of 87-8. The House approved an alternative version, H.R.658, the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2011, by a vote of 223-196 on April 1, 2011. A conference committee is expected to resolve differences between the two legislative proposals soon. H.R. 658 would reauthorize FAA operations and programs for four years, including the remainder of FY 2011 through FY 2014. The bill also makes a number of policy changes, including a repeal of a National Mediation Board (NMB) rule allowing airline employees to unionize without a majority vote of an airline’s employees. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill would decrease direct spending by $4 million and increase revenue by $34 million over the FY 2011 through FY 2016 period.
Consumer Financial Protection Reforms — Also next week, the House is expected to consider H.R.1315, the Consumer Financial Safety and Soundness Improvement Act. The legislation would make structural changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and would improve the Financial Stability Oversight Council review process of the CFPB’s rulemaking. The CFPB was created by the Dodd-Frank Act as an independent agency within the Federal Reserve, but was designed in a way to escape appropriate oversight and accountability. Without reforms to the agency, the CFPB will be a large and powerful agency of more than 1,000 federal employees, whose direction will have the sole authority to spend hundreds of millions of dollars without congressional approval, and the ability to determine which financial products and services are available to consumers.
FY 2012 Legislative Branch Appropriations — Finally, the House is scheduled next week to begin consideration of the FY 2012 Legislative Branch Appropriations bill. The bill would provide $3.3 billion – excluding Senate items, which are traditionally left to the Senate to determine. This total represents a decrease of $227 million, or 6.4 percent, from the FY 2011 enacted level and a decrease of $472 million, or 12.4 percent, from the President’s requested level. The bill would cut the spending in this title by 9 percent from FY 2010 spending levels, returning funding to $111 million below FY 2009 levels. This marks the largest-ever, two-year reduction for this bill, totaling $329 million.
Also of Note
Rep. Gary Miller Writes Letter to the Editor to Protect American Jobs: The San Gabriel Valley Tribune published a letter to the editor by Congressman Miller supporting the protection of American jobs for American workers. To read the letter, go to http://www.sgvtribune.com/letters/ci_18480076
Government Spending and the Debt
- Spending in Washington has been out of control for years.
- However, the spending binge of the magnitude seen under this administration – from the stimulus to Obamacare to the skyrocketing increase in discretionary spending is unprecedented.
- During the first two years of the Obama Administration, non-defense discretionary spending has increased 24 percent - totaling $734 billion in new federal spending over the next 10 years.
- Our country will see this year – for the third year in a row – a budget deficit in excess of $1 trillion.
- Meanwhile, the President’s healthcare overhaul calls for an additional $1.4 trillion in new spending, which the CBO has recently pointed out will NOT drive down the cost of healthcare.
- Despite promises that spending hundreds of billions of dollars would hold unemployment below 8 percent, unemployment has risen again in recent months to 9.2 percent in June.
- The President’s failed stimulus now carries an $830 billion price tag - $43 billion more than originally estimated.
- Despite the fact that our nation’s debt now stands at an unsustainable $14.3 trillion, some Democrats are calling for even more stimulus spending.
- In order to create jobs, our economy needs the private sector to grow – not the government.
- It is vital that we pay down our debt and rein in spending to give the private sector the confidence it needs to create new jobs and spur long-term economic growth.
- House Republicans will continue to work towards their Pledge to America to reduce out-of-control federal spending and limit the size of government.
- Next week, the House is expected to consider a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that would help to restrain future government overspending and put an end to reckless borrowing from other nations.
- States must balance their budgets – and so should the federal government.
- The fact is we cannot spend, tax or borrow our way to prosperity. To create jobs and avoid national bankruptcy, the government must stop spending money we do not have.
- House Republicans demand that the White House work cooperatively with Congress on a serious plan that will cut spending, reduce our nation’s debt, prevent job-killing tax hikes on our nation’s employers, and get our economy back on track
Taxes and Obamacare
- While Republicans believe that the key to economic recovery and paying down our national debt involves putting an end to the federal spending spree and eliminating wasteful government programs that we cannot afford, the Obama Administration and congressional Democrats wrongly believe that we can tax our way out of this fiscal crisis.
- Last year, President Obama signed into law the largest tax increase since 1993 with the enactment into law of the so-called Affordable Care Act – also known as ObamaCare.
- While some of the health care law's tax increases have already taken effect, beginning in 2013 a slew of new taxes will take effect that will limit patient access and choice, and hurt our economy as it struggles to recover.
- Starting in 2013, the bill adds an additional .9 percent Medicare tax for individuals earning more than $200,000 and couples making more than $250,000.
- ObamaCare also – for the first time – applies Medicare’s 2.9 percent payroll tax rate to investment income on higher-earning taxpayers– including dividends, interest income and capital gains. Added to the .9 percent payroll surcharge, this amounts to a 3.8 percent tax hike on these individuals and couples.
However, because these taxes aren’t indexed for inflation, many middle-class families will be burdened with this additional tax as their incomes rise past the $250,000 threshold. Unless something is done, we will experience the same problems we have had with the Alternative Minimum Tax, which was originally designed to apply only to a handful of millionaires, but now threatens to force millions of middle-class families to pay more of their hard-earned dollars to the government.
- The cost to the taxpayer over 10 years: $210 billion.
- Also beginning in 2013 is a new 2.3 percent excise tax on medical device manufacturers and importers which is expected to raise $20 billion. This tax will hit California especially hard, as medical device manufacturers employ more than 72,000 workers in the Golden State.
- There are also concerns that this tax on medical device manufacturers will reduce capital these companies need to research, develop, and bring to market new lifesaving technologies and increase costs for patients.
- Beginning in 2018, Obamacare imposes a massive 40 percent excise tax on health insurance plans. While it only applies to two years in the 2010-2019 window of the healthcare takeover's original budget score, this tax would raise $32 billion and much more in future years.
- In 2014, a new annual fee on health insurance providers will take effect. It is estimated that this tax increase will raise $60 billion. This tax – like so many others – will be passed along to consumers in the form of higher healthcare costs.
- Earlier this year, the House Majority voted to repeal Obamacare in its entirety and lift the burden of these looming tax increases on our economy.
- While the Democrat-controlled Senate has rejected efforts to repeal the government takeover of healthcare, House Republicans will continue to work to repeal Obamacare and these job-killing, cost-raising tax hikes.
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise.
Glen Campbell Concert, Lake Mission Viejo, Sat., July 23, 7:00 p.m. Opening for Campbell will be country music artist and entertainer Larry Bagby. Must be a member or guest of a member to attend. Concert hotline (949) 770-1313, ext. 311, http://www.lakemissionviejo.org
“Exhibit of Rarest Duesenberg Luxury Cars” from the collection of Gen. William Lyon, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day, through July 24, Lyon Air Museum, 19300 Ike Jones Road, Santa Ana, (714) 210-4585, http://www.lyonairmuseum.org/news/?m=20110718&cat
“Chocolate: The Event,” Southern California’s Premier Chocolate, Coffee, Wine and Music Festival, Sat., July 30, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Center Street Promenade, Anaheim, http://www.chocolatetheevent.com
Saddleback Civic Light Opera presents “Oklahoma!” through July 31, McKinney Theatre, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Pkwy, Mission Viejo, (949) 582-4656, http://www.saddleback.edu/arts
Shakespeare Festival performances, through July 31, in San Juan Capistrano, “Shakespeare, Inc.” on the Playhouse Main Stage, for dates, times and tickets go to http://caminorealplayhouse.tix.com/Schedule.asp?EventCode=367073,367074,367077,367075,367076,367079. “Taming of the Shrew” under the stars at Historic Town Center Park in San Juan Capistrano, for dates, times and ticket information go to http://caminorealplayhouse.tix.com/Schedule.asp?EventCode=367080,367081,367082,367083,367084,367085 . Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 489-8082, http://www.caminorealplayhouse.org/shakespeare2.php
First Thursdays Artwalk, Aug. 4. More than 40 Laguna Beach art galleries are participating in the 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. walk, with some offering refreshments. Free admission to the Laguna Art Museum, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., (949) 683-6871, http://firstthursdaysartwalk.com
“Mystic Florals,” floral arrangements class, Aug. 10, 9:00 a.m., Sherman Gardens, 2647 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, (949) 673-2261, http://slgardens.org
Exhibit, “Class Works 2011,” through Aug. 19, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Founders Hall Art Gallery, 1st Floor, Soka University, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4000, http://www.soka.edu/news_events/events/default.aspx
“I Left My Heart” salute to the music of Tony Bennett, performances through Aug. 21, Laguna Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949)497-2787, http://www.lagunaplayhouse.com
45th Annual Sawdust Art Festival, through Aug. 28, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., 935 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-3030, http://www.sawdustartfestival.org, and Art-A-Fair, through Aug. 28, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun. – Thurs. and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 777 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-4514, http://www.art-a-fair.com
Michaels, 25310 Marguerite Parkway, (949) 770-5001, schedule of art and crafts classes can be found at http://www.michaels.com/Store-Events/store-events,default,pg.html
Farmers Market, San Juan Capistrano, Wednesdays from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Historic Town Center Park, (949) 493-4700.
Farmers Market, Laguna Hills, Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Laguna Hills Mall, (714) 573-0374.
Saddleback Lanes bowling alley, events throughout the week. Saddleback Lanes has been in business since 1974; great gathering place with special discounts for groups, 25402 Marguerite Pkwy, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-5300, http://www.saddlebacklanes.net
Movies, Edwards Kaleidoscope Stadium 10 in Mission Viejo, 27741 Crown Valley Pkwy, (949) 582-4020, get show times, watch movie trailers, see what's coming soon at http://www.moviefone.com/theater/edwards-kaleidoscope-stadium-10/32/showtimes
Political and Government Events Calendar
Orange County Board of Supervisors, Tues., July 19, 9:30 a.m., Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100. http://www.ocgov.com/ocgov/Government/Board%20of%20Supervisors
Moulton Niguel Water District Board meeting Thurs., July 21, 5:30 p.m., 27500 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, (949) 831-2500, http://www.mnwd.com/board-of-directors/agenda.aspx
South Orange County Community College District board of trustees, Mon., July 25, 6:00 p.m., Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room, Room 145, Health Sciences/District Offices Building, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, (949) 582-4999, https://www.socccd.edu/
Saddleback Valley Unified School District board meeting is scheduled for Tues., July 26, 6:15 p.m. “if necessary,” 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo,(949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees, regular meeting, Wed., July 27, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, agenda and supporting documentation are published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com
“Meet Margaret Hoover,” great-granddaughter of America’s 31st president, at the Richard Nixon Library, Thurs., July 28, 7:00 p.m. lecture and book signing, “American Individualism,” 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda (714) 364-1161, anne@nixonfoundation.org
Richard Nixon Library, Liszt Competition Winners, July 31, 2:00 p.m. No charge for admission. Doors open at 1:15 p.m. Refer to the website for updates. The Richard Nixon Foundation, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 364-1126, http://events.nixonfoundation.org/concerts
South Orange County Republican Assembly, Thurs., Aug. 4, Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot, 26701 Verdugo Street, San Juan Capistrano. To attend the dinner before the meeting, arrive 5:30-6:15 p.m. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m., featuring guest speaker Brad Dacus, president and founder of Pacific Justice Institute. RSVP to mdcthick@cox.net or (949) 395-1049.
Atlas PAC will host a Day at the Races, Sat., Aug. 27, Del Mar Race Track, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, 12:30 p.m., transportation arrangements via train to Del Mar will be available, special guest speaker. Contact rsvp@atlaspac.org
The Buzz
Comment from Mission Viejo resident Joe Holtzman: “Great – while our city streets and slopes look like ****, Keith Rattay has the Boy Scouts planting the Jeronimo Open Space Area (which is part of Rattay's favorite Pet Project, the Oso Trail). More Rattay wasting city resources!!!! This is just another example of how disconnected from reality
Keith Rattay really is. Or is it just more arrogance? See: http://missionviejolife.org/2011/07/14/john-keawekane-eagle-project/ . Subject: The city's new landscape contractor!
Comment from Tea Party Patriot Bob Serrao: “The majority of Americans live in a blind trust of their leaders who, in turn, betray that trust every day. It will take some pain before they wake up…pain at the pump, at the grocery store, at the divorce courts, at the child detention centers, at the bread lines and rescue missions. We must inform them. Hopefully, it’s not too late.”
How long will the original image and quality of Mission Viejo hold up under the current City Hall regime? Council majority members Trish Kelley, Frank Ury and Dave Leckness love high-density housing, overspending, a bloated city staff and deteriorating infrastructure. To justify overspending, the city staff offers bizarre projections of economic growth (former CFO Irwin Bornstein’s reaction when he saw the real numbers: I’m outta here!).
The good news: the economy will eventually turn around. However, any recovery in the building industry will be reflected by intensive apartment construction in Mission Viejo. Wayward council majorities have already rezoned parcels for high-density housing. The Planning Commission on July 11 approved another nightmarish apartment project on east Los Alisos. The developer indicated 320 apartments will be completed by 2013.
Measure D, Mission Viejo’s Right-To-Vote, was defeated in the June 2010 election following a campaign of lies funded with special interest money. The measure would have given voters the final say in rezoning decisions. Parcels that could have been protected with Measure D are now at risk of rezoning to high-density housing. These sites include the shopping center at La Paz and Marguerite, the Casta golf course, closed schools and those with dwindling enrollment, the Unisys property on Jeronimo, parks and open space – they’re all in play. Mission Viejo residents had a choice a year ago, which they made at the ballot box. They now have another choice if they want to continue living in a low-density neighborhood: they can move.
At the July 11 Planning Commission meeting, approximately 75 residents witnessed the 3-2 vote of the commission, giving UDR, Inc. approval to build apartments on the former K-mart parcel. Voting in favor of the project were Commissioners Bob Bruchmann, Richard Sandzimier and Steve Spillman. Bruchmann, who chaired the meeting, was abrasive to members of the audience. He even told them not to applaud, claiming his authority came from being the chairman. Whatever authority he has to conduct planning meetings does not include violating citizens’ Freedom of Expression, provided by Article 11 of the Declaration. In the 3-2 decision, Bruchmann, Sandzimier and Spillman appeared to be the developer’s point-men on the dais. Commissioners Swan (Reardon’s appointee) and Ernisse (Schlicht’s appointee) correctly understood their function on the commission, which is to represent the residents.
Sandzimier, Bruchmann and Spillman have real-estate development or constructon backgrounds and/or they’re still looking for work in the building industry. Sandzimier was practically giddy about UDR’s apartment project. At one point, he was flitting around the dais, distributing papers while presenting the developer’s case. Spillman is Frank Ury’s appointee, which explains a lot of things. As the newest commissioner, he doesn’t have a grasp on city business. He has privately indicated a desire to run for city council, and he does show promise as a representative of special interest – he gets that part.
For anyone who hasn’t seen the video, "President Obama, quit lying," featuring Congressman Joe Walsh (R) IL pushing back, here’s the link: http://patriotsunion.ning.com/video/president-obama-quit-lying
Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated will host a "Shoot 'N' Shop" event at Lake Arrowhead. The event centers on special training for women who want to learn to shoot. The fee of $30 includes the training session at Arrowhead Fish & Game Conservation Club, lunch and a shopping tour of Arrowhead Village. Save the date, July 30, starting at 10:00 a.m. at the range (carpools will begin at 8:00 a.m. from Orange County). The $30 cost also includes the range fee, trial subscription to “Gun Owners of California” and ammo. RSVP to Gayle Brantuk, (714) 747-7513.
Also from Gayle: "You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forgot the errand." – President Woodrow Wilson
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