OWS Battlefront Report
Dear Tea Party Patriots,
Oceanside Tea Party leader Rhonda Deniston has done a terrific job of personally exposing Occupy San Diego recently and was physically assaulted by one of the bums for absolutely no reason at all while there. She held a press conference in downtown San Diego last Tuesday which was crucially important in forcing Mayor Sanders to do his job, abide by the law, and to have the communist squatters finally removed from 3rd Ave.
We salute Rhonda at Long Live America Talk Radio and all other citizen activists who have stood up for the working people forced to pay the bill of these reprobates in downtown San Diego. Please check out Rhonda's website http://www.rhondadeniston.com/ and these other links showing the true violent faces of the Occupy movement in San Diego (WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE by wanna-be hippie lowlifes), PROOF that this is a vile, unruly, anarchist, thuggish, and violent movement.
Video of Nov. 8 Assault on Rhonda Deniston: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKpbD1kQaAc&list=PL2065B84D24B0F2DD&index=11&feature=plpp_v ideo
Rhonda's press conference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWttQS0YpHc&feature=autoplay&list=PL2065B84D24B0F2DD&lf=plpp_ video&playnext=1
Viral video of mob attack on visitors to Occupy San Diego, Oct. 22 (Mark Dice) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__3POd7N8K0&feature=autoplay&list=PL2065B84D24B0F2DD&lf=plpp_ video&playnext=1
LONG LIVE AMERICA is on KCEO AM 1000, and we are San Diego and Orange County’s Tea Party Radio. Please listen to us on Thursdays from 8-10 PM on AM 1000 in SD and OC or at www.longliveamerica.com everywhere else. God bless.
Robert Homesley Tea Party Patriot
Stop AB 131 Update by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, author of the bill
I want to give you a fantastic report from the road. We have been storming the State gathering signatures to stop the Dream Act with a great response.
We just traveled through the state's agricultural capital in the Central Valley, where we held successful events in Fresno and Bakersfield. Thousands of voters came out to express their strong opposition to Governor Jerry Brown's recent signing of AB 131 which would give free college tuition to illegal immigrants.
Seeing so many enthusiastic voters this week gives me confidence that we WILL get the signatures needed to qualify this measure for the ballot, and begin to return some common sense to the state of California.
But we still have a long way to go to defeat AB131 and need your support. If you want to contribute to this campaign or pick up your petitions, your help would be greatly appreciated.
We need to gather 700,000 signatures by year-end, and with 300,000 petitions deployed, our effort is just hitting its full stride. Please take the time to check your sheets and return them to us via your distributor or by mail. If you are mailing them, please mail them to:
StopAB131.com PO Box 877, Monrovia, CA 91017
You can also bring your completed petitions (or pick up new ones!) at the John and Ken "Stop the Dream Act!" signature rally on Wednesday, November 30 at 3:00 p.m. at Ayres Hotel & Suites Ontario Convention Center.
Be sure to frequently visit our website (http://www.stopab131.com) and Facebook to learn when we are coming to your town. We hope to see you soon!
(Note: petitions are being circulated in Mission Viejo and South County, as well as throughout the state.)
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise and non-profit groups.
Dana Point Turkey Trot, Thurs., Nov. 24, 5K/10K run/walk, benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank, check the website for schedule and details on how to participate, Doheny State Beach, (949) 496-1555, http://www.turkeytrot.com
“The Science of Gingerbread,” Nov. 25 through Jan. 1, kitchen science, decorating demos and award-winning gingerbread houses, Discovery Science Center, 2500 North Main Street, Santa Ana, (714) 542-2823, http://www.discoverycube.org
“This Wonderful Life,” Nov. 25-Dec. 24, Laguna Playhouse, Moulton Theatre, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (800) 946-5556, http://www.lagunaplayhouse.com
Sawdust Art Festival Winter Fantasy, more than 170 exhibitors, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. rain or shine, open weekends only on Nov. 25-27, Dec. 3-4 and Dec. 9-11, Sawdust Art Festival grounds, 935 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-3030, http://www.sawdustartfestival.org
Laguna Art Museum, Nov. 25 until Dec. 24, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., exhibit of California artists, late 19th century to early 20th century, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-8971, http://lagunaartmuseum.org
Scandinavian Julemarked Christmas Mart, Sat., Nov. 26, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., handmade and imported items and food, Danish Lutheran Cultural Center, 16881 Bastanchury Rd., Yorba Linda, (714) 993-6362, http://www.danishchurchsocal.com
Roger’s Gardens, “The Artisans of Christmas,” Christmas 2011, now open and ongoing. Other activities include a Pumpkin Carving Seminar on Oct. 15 and Oct. 23, Roger’s Gardens, 2301 San Juan Hills Road, Corona del Mar, (949) 640-5800, http://www.rogersgardens.com
“A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” the Lyceum Theater, Dec. 2 through Dec. 11, information about performance times and tickets at http://www.vanguardtickets.com, Vanguard University, Dept. of Theatre Arts, 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, (714) 668-6145, http://www.theatre.vanguard.edu
“Christmas at the Casa,” Sat., Dec. 3, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., entertainment, crafts and refreshments, Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, (949) 498-2139, http://www.casaromantica.org
First Saturday Art Walk, Santa Ana Artist Village, Sat., Dec. 3, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., venues open: Grand Central Arts Center, OC Center of Contemporary Art, Santora Arts Building (28 galleries, restaurants and shops), ample (free) parking is located across the street at the Santa Ana Train Depot on the southeast corner of Santa Ana Boulevard and Santiago Street. Visit the Website for additional information, including a map: http://www.aplaceforart.org/artwalk
Shepherd’s Christmas Faire featuring local businesses, Sat. and Sun, Dec. 3 and 4, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., JSerra Catholic High School, JSerra Pavilion, 26351 Junipero Serra Road, San Juan Capistrano (949) 493-9307, ext. 1149, http://www.jserra.org
Art exhibit at Soka University, Arie A. Galles, “Heartland: Reflected Light Paintings, through Jan. 6, open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., free admission, Founders Hall Art Gallery, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4000, http://www.info@soka.edu
Big Bucks Bingo every Wednesday night, 6:15 p.m. Early Bird. 6:45 p.m. Regular Games, Mission Viejo Elks Lodge, near Ralphs market on Marguerite & La Paz, (949) 830-ELKS.
Ice skating rink at Spectrum, check the website for schedule, outdoor rink is located in the Giant Wheel Court adjacent to Nordstrom and Macy’s, Irvine Spectrum, 71 Fortune Drive, Irvine, (949) 456-6937, http://www.skatespectrum.com/schedule.htm
Planting, crafts and activities classes for families at Living Green Gardens and Design; help with planting and gardening, visit the Website or call for information, Living Green Gardens and Design, 25290 Jeronimo Road (between Los Alisos and El Toro Road), Lake Forest, (949) 768-4733, http://www.yelp.com/biz/living-green-gardens-and-design-lake-forest
Movies, Edwards Kaleidoscope Stadium 10 in Mission Viejo, 27741 Crown Valley Pkwy, (949) 582-4020, get show times, watch movie trailers, see what's coming soon at http://www.moviefone.com/theater/edwards-kaleidoscope-stadium-10/32/showtimes
Political and Government Events Calendar
El Toro Water District meetings: Engineering, Finance, Insurance Committee on Mon., Nov. 21, 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.; Board of Directors on Tues., Nov. 22, 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 24251 Los Alisos Blvd., Lake Forest, (949) 837-0660, http://www.etwd.com
Annual performance of the Messiah, Sun., Nov. 27, 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. Free concerts are held Sundays, except when otherwise noted, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 364-1120, http://events.nixonfoundation.org/concerts/
Saddleback Valley Unified School District board meeting is scheduled “if necessary” for Tues., Nov. 29, 6:15 p.m., refer to the agenda, 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees, regular meeting Wed., Nov. 30, 7:00 p.m., 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, agenda and supporting documentation are published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com
South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees will meet Mon., Dec. 5. Meeting times unless otherwise posted: open session convenes at 5 p.m.., followed by adjournment to closed session, open session reconvenes at 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., adjournment by 9:00 p.m. Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room, Room 145, Health Sciences/District Offices Building, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, (949) 582-4999, http://www.socccd.edu
Orange County Board of Supervisors, Tues., Dec. 6, 9:30 a.m. (no meeting on Nov. 29), Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100. http://www.ocgov.com/ocgov/Government/Board%20of%20Supervisors
Moulton Niguel Water District meetings: Community Relations, Wed., Dec. 7, 9:00 a.m., Engineering and Operations on Mon., Dec. 12, 9:00 a.m., Finance and I.T. on Wed., Dec. 14, 9:00 a.m., Board of Directors on Thurs., Dec. 15, 5:30 p.m., 27500 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, (949) 831-2500, http://www.mnwd.com/board-of-directors/agenda.aspx
Santa Margarita Water District meetings: Engineering Committee Meeting on Dec. 9, 7:30 a.m., Finance Committee Meeting on Dec. 16, 7:30 a.m., and Board of Directors will meet on Dec. 28, 7:00 p.m., 26111 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita, (949) 459-6420, http://www.smwd.com/about-us/meeting-agendas.html
ACT for America, Mon., Dec. 12, program to be announced. The meeting will be held at the Norman Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, doors open at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7:30 p.m.
The 2011 Holiday Festival of Trains at the Nixon Library, through Jan. 2, 2012, Richard Nixon Library, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 464-1161, http://events.nixonfoundation.org
Saddleback Republican Assembly does not meet in December. The next meeting will be Jan. 19, 2012. SRA does not meet in December. For information call (949) -360-1717.
The Buzz
Mission Viejo residents are circulating the petition to Stop AB 131. Circulators have 90 days to gather 550,000 valid signatures as a statewide referendum, and leaders of the effort believe they’ll succeed in qualifying it for the ballot. It takes approximately 700,000 signatures to net 550,000 valid ones. If passed by voters in the Nov. 2012 election, it would reverse the Dream Act, signed by Gov. Moobeam to give illegal aliens free tuition.
As an update on other petitions, proponents of the effort to undo the recently redrawn California State Senate boundaries say they collected more than 700,000 signatures. The deadline to submit signatures was last week, and the petition drive appears to be successful. When a redistricting committee was chosen last year to redraw the lines, the alleged purpose was to make the new districts more geographically compact. Instead, the result became worse – the committee gerrymandered the gerrymandering.
The agenda for the Nov. 21 Mission Viejo City Council meeting is again light. A noteworthy item is No. 9, Ordinance Repealing the Requirement that City Contractors Use the E-Verify Program (“Lawful Hiring Compliance”). Such verification – enabling employers to determine that prospective workers are legally eligible – will become illegal on Jan. 1, thanks to a law signed by Gov. Moonbeam. On the Nov. 21 council consent calendar are more whopping amounts from the check register: $3,071,531.93 for the week of Oct. 28 and $862,965.93 for the week of Nov. 4.
Still in closed session is the contract for Assistant City Manager Keith Rattay, which will be discussed by council members again on Nov.21. The first question residents should ask is why the matter isn’t brought out into the open so the public can comment. Rattay wants a clause whereby he cannot be fired for misconduct, and that’s ridiculous.
RealClearPolitics.com gives frequent updates on a variety of presidential tracking polls, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/republican_presidential_nomination-1452.html . As of this writing, the Fox News poll is the most recent: Gingrich (23 percent), Romney (22 percent), Cain (15 percent), Paul (8 percent), Perry (7 percent), Bachmann (6 percent), Huntsman (3 percent) and Santorum (2 percent).
Members of the California Republican Assembly convened on Nov. 19 in Los Angeles to finish revising bylaws. CRA’s convention in April was disrupted by approximately 50 members to the point delegates couldn’t complete the revisions. The Nov. 19 meeting was a mild one, with 20 to 30 delegates dissenting on many of the votes.
During CRA’s April convention, “paper clubs” weren’t allowed to seat delegates because they couldn’t demonstrate they met requirements as legitimate units. The “presidents” and other supporters of the disallowed units subsequently formed their own statewide organization. In Orange County, Lake Forest resident Scott Voigts became president of such a unit, which he named California Republicans of Orange County – CROC. Those who left with Voigts can become California Republicans of Orange County – Promoters of the Split – CROCPOTS.
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