Council Agenda for Dec. 3

Council Agenda for Dec. 3

A city watchdog forwarded the following information about the council meeting on Dec. 3. Here is the link for the agenda: (link here).

Under Presentations is the Mayor’s State of the City Address and the Oath of Office for Frank Ury and Cathy Schlicht following their Nov. 6 reelection.

Look at Item #2, scroll to pages 6-9, and read the City Attorney Report on the Kaleidoscope update. It is no small irony that the developer jumped on its electronic billboard (EBB) proposals right after the election.

Item #8 is the CAFR – an extensive financial report for Fiscal Year ending 06/30/12.

Another controversial item that was held off until after the election is a dog park costing more than $1 million, which is Item #11. The scope and price from the original criteria have greatly changed. A proposed two-acre park has grown to about 6 acres now. Consultants and Contractors love this city, as they have received over $250,000 for this project thus far. The staff is requesting another $860,000 for a bare-bones park that is located in a known rattlesnake area on a landslide and needs extensive grading. Also, because of environmental sensitivities, the federal government is requiring the city to restore grasslands with an ongoing monitoring program.

What is the council majority’s wisdom in giving the county over 7 acres of land in exchange for approximately 3 acres for the dog park? It will be interesting to see how the people going to the ballgames and the dog park interact in sharing the new parking lot.

Is it a leap to see how this very expensive location for a dog park falls into unauthorized long-range plans for creating a gateway for Sunrise Park? Please open this link:

Item #18 is an item Councilwoman Schlicht placed on the agenda.

Please attend the council meeting on Monday at 6:00 and share your opinions and expectations with the council. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like your comments to be part of the public record, then please consider expressing your point of view by sending an e-mail to Karen Hamman, the city clerk, asking for inclusion in the public record: . Don’t forget to reference the agenda Item Number on your correspondence.

Please take a moment to review the balance of the agenda for items that might be of importance to you.