Council Agenda for Dec. 3
A city watchdog forwarded the following information about the council meeting on Dec. 3. Here is the link for the agenda: (link here).
Under Presentations is the Mayor’s State of the City Address and the Oath of Office for Frank Ury and Cathy Schlicht following their Nov. 6 reelection.
Look at Item #2, scroll to pages 6-9, and read the City Attorney Report on the Kaleidoscope update. It is no small irony that the developer jumped on its electronic billboard (EBB) proposals right after the election.
Item #8 is the CAFR – an extensive financial report for Fiscal Year ending 06/30/12.
Another controversial item that was held off until after the election is a dog park costing more than $1 million, which is Item #11. The scope and price from the original criteria have greatly changed. A proposed two-acre park has grown to about 6 acres now. Consultants and Contractors love this city, as they have received over $250,000 for this project thus far. The staff is requesting another $860,000 for a bare-bones park that is located in a known rattlesnake area on a landslide and needs extensive grading. Also, because of environmental sensitivities, the federal government is requiring the city to restore grasslands with an ongoing monitoring program.
What is the council majority’s wisdom in giving the county over 7 acres of land in exchange for approximately 3 acres for the dog park? It will be interesting to see how the people going to the ballgames and the dog park interact in sharing the new parking lot.
Is it a leap to see how this very expensive location for a dog park falls into unauthorized long-range plans for creating a gateway for Sunrise Park? Please open this link:
Item #18 is an item Councilwoman Schlicht placed on the agenda.
Please attend the council meeting on Monday at 6:00 and share your opinions and expectations with the council. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like your comments to be part of the public record, then please consider expressing your point of view by sending an e-mail to Karen Hamman, the city clerk, asking for inclusion in the public record: KHamman@cityofmissionviejo.org . Don’t forget to reference the agenda Item Number on your correspondence.
Please take a moment to review the balance of the agenda for items that might be of importance to you.
Back Story on AD Race by Larry Gilbert
Knowing Republicans lost the "checks and balances" in our state Assembly, I would like to reflect back on the 65th Assembly District race between incumbent Member Chris Norby and his challenger, Fullerton Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva. Let me share a few observations starting with the Democratic Central Committee's big-time commitment for winning this race by funneling $292,000 to Assemblyman Norby's challenger in the last weeks before the election. News source. John Hrabe: Firms: Blue Shield, Disney, AEG, Aecom, Tom Daly, CSEA, AFSCME Local 685, UDW, CAHP, CDF Firefighters, SW Regional Council of Carpenters.
As pointed out by Mr. Hrabe, "Individuals and businesses are limited each election to a maximum contribution of $3,900 per candidate." He reports that in addition to the OC Democratic Party, money supporting Quirk-Silva came from Del Norte, LA County, and Marin County's Democratic Parties.
Peeling the onion back, I see that AEG contributed money to a group who later transferred money to Sharon's campaign. What the average reader may not be aware of is Chris's high profile in the fight to shut down our state's abusive redevelopment agencies. He stepped on a lot of toes in that process. One of those agencies being located in the city of the Angels, aka Los Angeles, where AEG, owners of the Staples Center, has or had plans to build a NFL stadium in Farmers Field in that same proximity. I guess we call this payback time.
We have more questions than answers. Did his capturing 58.8% of the votes cast in the Primary lead the GOP to take Chris's seat for granted? Prior to the General Election, I attended the Republican Party Central Committee meeting where Chris made a plea for financial support pointing out that his was in a highly competitive race. I did not sense much enthusiasm from the attendees that evening.
We heard of how close we were to losing to a Democratic supermajority in the Assembly, but did the GOP make any significant efforts to support Chris's campaign? There surely were some automatic victories on Nov. 6 such as my new Assembly Member Diane Harkey who breezed to her re-election. Did the likes of Fullerton power broker, and former Senate Leader Dick Ackerman offer any of his/their influential contacts to secure any financial support for Chris in this newly created 65th AD? Sadly we will have to wait until after the first of the year to see the 460s to see who financed Chris's bid to block the Democratic Party's supermajority. My fellow Republican politicos need to look in the mirror and ask themselves the question. Did we do enough to give Chris a shot at securing this key seat?
Final thoughts. Didn't the GOP monitor these huge reported cash infusions and get their act together or simply leave Chris under a bus?
ACT for America by Bruce Mayall, Mission Viejo Chapter Leader
The Mission Viejo Chapter of ACT for America will hold a General Meeting on Mon., Dec. 10, at the Norman P. Murray Community Center in Mission Viejo. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m.
Colonel Jon Gold, U.S. Army, Retired, a former intelligence officer, will share his insights: “What I learned in Bosnia and Kosovo.”
Imagine living in a horrifying time when good does not triumph over evil. Imagine a frightful place where women are property, children are brainwashed and men murder unquestioningly. Envision watching a backward, barbaric tribe attacking its neighbors, killing and spreading a reign of terror over all it touches, vowing to wipe out all other tribes--to the last man, woman, and child.
Unfortunately, this isn't fiction. It is here and now on planet Earth. And the evildoers are winning all over Europe, Africa and Asia. The United States is their final objective but most Americans don't believe we are at war. Jon Gold knows all too well that we are at war and we must warn our family and friends before it's too late.
What you will learn:
- The Radical Islamic Fundamentalists' 5-Front war against civilization.
- How the Palestinians tested a war-fighting strategy that's being repeated around the world.
- The Islamists' secret weapon against the civilized world.
- The Jihadists' strategy of recruiting and building armies within Western democracies.
- Proof that WW III has already begun and specific strategies to win it.
Jon Gold is a retired U.S. Army colonel and a 30-year-career Intelligence Officer. In the mid-1990s he was the Chief Military Intelligence Officer assigned to the United Nations Pre-Deployment Forces (UNPREDEP) in former Yugoslavia. While focused on the security of American and UN forces in the region, he witnessed firsthand the Islamists' asymmetric war-fighting strategies and tactics.
Jon is a certified Counter Terrorism Instructor, Electronic Warfare Specialist, Aerial Surveillance Officer and Special Security Officer. During his career he held a Top Secret Clearance. Jon will speak for about 50 minutes and then answer question for about 20 minutes.
A $5 donation is appreciated to help cover our meeting costs. The meeting location is the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, (Sycamore B room), Mission Viejo.
Sign up for our ACT! for America chapter announcements at www.act4oc.org
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise and non-profit groups.
Daily Guided Tours at the Mission during the week, Monday through Friday, 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. No advance reservation required, but a minimum group size is needed to proceed, Mission San Juan Capistrano, 26801 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, 26801 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 234-1300, http://www.missionsjc.com/
Encore Dinner Theatre, “A Song for Christmas” opens Dec. 7 through Dec. 30, 690 El Camino Real, Tustin (657) 210-3200, http://www.EncoreDinnerTheatre.com
Sawdust Winter Fantasy, Dec. 8-9, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., artwork, entertainment, classes and demonstrations, 935 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-3030, http://www.sadustartfestival.org
Concert at Soka, Aliso Viejo Holiday Show, “You’re Never Too Old,” Sat., Dec. 8, 7:00 p.m., and All-American Boys Chorus, ”The Sounds of Christmas,” on Sun., Dec. 16, 4:00 p.m., Performing Arts Center, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4278, http://www.performingarts.soka.edu
Santa’s arrival and the boat parade, Lake Mission Viejo, Sat., Dec. 8, lake members and guests. Call (949) 770-1313, ext. 200, http://www.lakemissionviejo.org
Holiday Ice Rink in Spectrum. Outdoor rink is open daily, skating lessons are available. Check the website for schedule. Giant Wheel Court, Irvine Spectrum Center, (949) 748-8280, http://www.skatespectrum.com
Political and Government Events Calendar
Orange County Board of Supervisors will meet on Tues., Dec. 4, 9:30 a.m., Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100. http://egov.ocgov.com/ocgov/Government/Board%20of%20Supervisors/Meeting%20Schedule
Family Action PAC Christmas Luncheon, Tues., Dec. 4, noon to 2:00 p.m., monthly luncheons third Thursday of every month, Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, (949) 955-1191, http://www.familyactionpac.com
Santa Margarita Water District meetings: Engineering Committee on Fri., Dec. 7, 7:30 a.m.; Finance Committee on Fri., Dec. 14, 7:30 a.m.; Board of Directors on Wed., Dec. 19 at 7:00 p.m., 26111 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita, (949) 459-6420, http://www.smwd.com
Concert at the Nixon Library, Sun., Dec. 9, Green-Orozco Family Christmas Concert. Doors open at 1:15 pm, and concerts begin at 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Schedule is subject to change. Richard Nixon Library, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 364-1161, http://nixonfoundation.org/concerts/
The Mission Viejo Chapter of ACT for America will hold a General Meeting on Mon., Dec. 10. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m, Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo.
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees will meet on Mon., Dec. 10, 7:00 p.m., district office, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano, agenda and supporting documentation are published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com/
Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees on Tues., Dec. 11, 6:30 p.m., Annual Organizational Meeting. District office, 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us/
Moulton Niguel Water District meetings: Community Relations on Wed., Dec. 12, 9:00 a.m.; Engineering and Operations on Mon., Dec. 17, 9:00 a.m.; Finance and I.T. on Wed., Dec. 19, 9:00 a.m.; Board of Directors on Thurs., Dec. 20, 5:30 p.m., 27500 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, (949) 831-2500, http://www.mnwd.com/board-of-directors/agenda.aspx
South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees, Mon., Dec. 17. Meeting times unless otherwise posted: open session convenes at 5:00 p.m., followed by adjournment to closed session, open session reconvenes at 6:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m., adjournment by 9:00 p.m. Ronald Reagan Board of Trustees Room, Room 145, Health Sciences/District Offices Building, Saddleback College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, (949) 582-4999, https://www.socccd.edu
El Toro Water District meetings: Engineering, Finance, Insurance Committee on Tues., Dec. 18, 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.; Board of Directors on Thurs., Dec. 20, 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ETWD, 24251 Los Alisos Blvd., Lake Forest, (949) 837-0660, http://www.etwd.com/
Trees, Trains and Traditions exhibit at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, open now through Dec. 31, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 364-1120, http://www.nixonfoundation.org
Saddleback Republican Assembly, Thurs., Jan. 17, 7:00 p.m. No general meeting in December. SRA meets on third Thursdays (except in December, July and August) at the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Jacaranda Room-B, Mission Viejo. For information call (949) 360-1717.
The Buzz
Those who have concerns about Smart Meters should note a rare opportunity to express opinions directly to the California Public Utilities Commission. Southern California Edison is attempting to raise opt-out rates, impose additional fees and much more, according to items on the agenda for a CPUC meeting in San Clemente. Save the date, Tues., Dec. 18, 6:00 p.m., for the public hearing, “Smart Meter Opt-Out Phase 2,” at the San Clemente Community Center, Ole Hanson Fireside Room, 100 North Calle Seville, San Clemente.
Following are examples of agenda issues to be presented at the Dec. 18 CPUC hearing:
Raise The Opt-Out Fees: SCE wants an initial Opt-Out fee of $98 plus $24 per month (discounted 20% for CARE) claiming the Opt-Out program will cost a staggering $21 million for the next few years. Are these valid costs?
Impose an Additional Opt-Out "Exit" Fee: Since 2008, all customers have paid 1.6% of their monthly bills towards the Smart Meter program, which includes the cost of installing a Smart Meter. SCE would like to charge this fee again. Do customers agree?
Validity of Opt-Out Fees: SCE wants to pass the entire cost of the Opt-Out program directly on to those who will use it - the Opt-Out customers. Thus, an Opt-Out customer pays for two billing systems: a Smart Meter AND an Opt-Out. How many meters and billing systems should a customer pay for?
Other agenda issues include fees based on meter type, community opt-outs and Smart Meter harassment. For additional information about Smart Meters, visit http://californiacoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org/
OC Registrar of Voters Update: For those asking if all ballots have been counted from the Nov. 6 election, no, they have not. According to the RoV website as of this writing, 100 provisional ballots have not been counted. The turnout for Orange County stands at 67.3 percent. Other figures for OC: Romney/Ryan received 51.9 percent and Obama/Biden received 45.6 percent. Ron Paul received 2,485 write-in votes.
The OC RoV has posted the Nov. 6 Statement of Votes, http://ocvote.com/fileadmin/live/gen2012/Run23/sov.pdf . Of Mission Viejo’s 63,792 voters, 47,183 voted for a turnout of 74 percent. Turnout for nearby cities include Aliso Viejo 69.9 percent, Lake Forest 70.7 percent, Laguna Niguel 73,2 percent, Laguna Hills 71.2 percent, Rancho Santa Margarita 72.6 percent and San Juan Capistrano 73.8 percent.
Saddleback Valley News has a new format. The prior shortcoming of the paper wasn’t the format. It was and still is a lack of genuine community news, and that includes truthful and balanced reporting of what’s going on in City Hall. This blog has criticized SVN and OCR for caving in to the demands of City Manager Dennis Wilberg, who told editors several years ago what they shall and shall not publish. Letters to the editor are long gone except for reprints of letters sent to OCR about issues that don’t involve city issues. Residents provide their opinion weekly on SVN, which anyone can see by walking around the block. Papers thrown into driveways are not picked up. A publication with its first loyalty to covering up for City Hall instead of balanced reporting doesn’t cut it.
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