SOC912 Letter

SOC912 Letter


Dear Patriots:

As the year ends, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.  We hope you are prospering and building your relationships with each other and with God. All indications are next year will continue to be challenging.
Our Republican form of government where the Rule of Law is sacred has been trampled on as much as our love of God has been criticized. But, there is lots of hope. The human spirit is very strong and our yearning for freedom and liberty too great.  There are many watchmen and think tanks going after the truth and determined to educate We-the-People with knowledge.  We must take this knowledge, apply wisdom to it and be counted with like-minded patriots. It is from there we can ever expand and gain ground. Those shining areas are where people have decided to focus on the light (the truth) and to live in love for one another instead of fear. This is our goal and our wish for the coming year -- for all of us together to be glimmering, thriving and rejoicing.

Upcoming Events!

There are rumors of a free speech picnic celebration (much like a rally) on Saturday, February 8th at the Russell Cook Park in San Juan Capistrano – courtesy of those three SJC councilmen who banned newspapers from city property!  So, save that date and plan a picnic with your friends and family. Let’s all celebrate our Constitution’s first amendment free speech rights!  Then, later on in February, on the 20th, we will have Loren Spivak, the Free Market Warrior, come speak to us on “Economic Literacy.”

On January 14, starting at 7:00 p.m,, we will have our second Let’s Celebrate America meeting where we will acknowledge the God of the Bible, worship and read scripture. We will also be discussing a political topic yet to be determined. The last event was a great success. All were encouraged and full of joy.  We encourage you to participate with us especially if you are anxious, fearing the future, or want to understand and know God more! We are reserving the room for 3 hours instead of just 2 so we can mingle afterwards and continue our many discussions.

Our Goal for 2014:

Let’s decide to step it up a notch and combat the tyranny. Let’s join together and create a force of light. Remember it is darkest before dawn. Let’s participate with those politicians like Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, educators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, moral institutions like the American Family Association and Citizen Link, and the countless conservative think tanks all across the country.

Love to you all, Kevin and Cathy Richardson and all of us at S0C912!

P.S. We encourage you to watch The Blaze TV. There have been some excellent specials. Glenn Beck is producing specials to remind us of our great potential, where we came from, and our many blessings. His two-part show on the production of this year's Christmas album, BELIEVE AGAIN, is wonderful. His two-part show on the production of the multi-faith MILLENNIAL CHOIR from audition to performance as the musicians and conductors strive for perfection is also wonderful.