SOC912 Letter
Dear Patriots:
As the year ends, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. We hope you are prospering and building your relationships with each other and with God. All indications are next year will continue to be challenging. Our Republican form of government where the Rule of Law is sacred has been trampled on as much as our love of God has been criticized. But, there is lots of hope. The human spirit is very strong and our yearning for freedom and liberty too great. There are many watchmen and think tanks going after the truth and determined to educate We-the-People with knowledge. We must take this knowledge, apply wisdom to it and be counted with like-minded patriots. It is from there we can ever expand and gain ground. Those shining areas are where people have decided to focus on the light (the truth) and to live in love for one another instead of fear. This is our goal and our wish for the coming year -- for all of us together to be glimmering, thriving and rejoicing.
Upcoming Events!
There are rumors of a free speech picnic celebration (much like a rally) on Saturday, February 8th at the Russell Cook Park in San Juan Capistrano – courtesy of those three SJC councilmen who banned newspapers from city property! So, save that date and plan a picnic with your friends and family. Let’s all celebrate our Constitution’s first amendment free speech rights! Then, later on in February, on the 20th, we will have Loren Spivak, the Free Market Warrior, come speak to us on “Economic Literacy.”
On January 14, starting at 7:00 p.m,, we will have our second Let’s Celebrate America meeting where we will acknowledge the God of the Bible, worship and read scripture. We will also be discussing a political topic yet to be determined. The last event was a great success. All were encouraged and full of joy. We encourage you to participate with us especially if you are anxious, fearing the future, or want to understand and know God more! We are reserving the room for 3 hours instead of just 2 so we can mingle afterwards and continue our many discussions.
Our Goal for 2014:
Let’s decide to step it up a notch and combat the tyranny. Let’s join together and create a force of light. Remember it is darkest before dawn. Let’s participate with those politicians like Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, educators like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, moral institutions like the American Family Association and Citizen Link, and the countless conservative think tanks all across the country.
Love to you all, Kevin and Cathy Richardson and all of us at S0C912!
P.S. We encourage you to watch The Blaze TV. There have been some excellent specials. Glenn Beck is producing specials to remind us of our great potential, where we came from, and our many blessings. His two-part show on the production of this year's Christmas album, BELIEVE AGAIN, is wonderful. His two-part show on the production of the multi-faith MILLENNIAL CHOIR from audition to performance as the musicians and conductors strive for perfection is also wonderful.
ACT! for America
The Mission Viejo chapter of ACT! for America will meet on Mon., Jan. 13. Doors open at 7:00 p.m., and the meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. The location is the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Jacaranda Room, Mission Viejo.
Featured speaker will be John Steinreich, author and expert on Islam vs. Christianity. His topic will be “Persecution of Non-Muslims in Islamic Countries: What It Means to Americans.”
From the announcement:
All throughout the Islamic world, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious minorities are being killed, terrorized and driven from their homes and businesses. Islamist mobs leave their mosques on Friday afternoon and rampage against their neighbors, burning their churches, killing innocent people and plundering their villages. The mainstream press remains silent. Meanwhile, enraged Muslims play the victims as they ramp up their international bloodbath against their enemies -- civilized human beings.
How will the wanton killing of non-Muslims and the destruction of cultures impact those of us in America? How can we stop the killing and violence against our fellow humans in peril?
What You Will Learn:
- Islam's teachings in the Qur'an and the Hadith regarding treatment of non-Muslims
- The unvarnished history of the abuse of non-Muslims under Islam
- Update on the size and scope of the persecution of non-Muslims today
- What should the West do in response to the persecution of non-Muslims in Islamic countries
John Steinreich is a researcher, author and contributing writer for a number of polemical websites, including patriotupdate.com, freedomoutpost.com, and americanthinker.com. John's area of focus is the comparisons and contrasts between the Qur'an and the Bible. His research dispels the myth that both of these religious documents contain the same basic theological teachings on moral behavior.
John is an active member of ACT! for America, and he has given presentations on his research for various ACT chapters, political action groups and religious organizations. He is the author of "The Words of God -- The Bible, the Qur'an and How They Are Lived in the Post-9/11 World."
John will speak for about 50 minutes. Then he'll answer questions for about 20 minutes. A $5 donation is appreciated to help cover costs of the meeting.
The Mission Viejo chapter leader is Bruce Mayall. Sign up for ACT! for America chapter announcements at www.act4oc.org
Non-government Events
Following is a sampling of events and activities that are not funded by taxpayers or promoted by the Nanny State. Please support private enterprise and non-profit groups.
New Year’s Eve at O’Neill’s Bar and Grill on Tues., Dec. 31, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., live jazz and complementary champagne. Sunday Brunch on Sun., Jan. 5, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., live jazz, R&B, soul and vocals. Enjoy made-to-order omelets, pastries, seafood, salad bar, hot entrees, desserts, etc., Arroyo Trabuco Golf Course, 26772 Avery Parkway, Mission Viejo, (949) 305-5100, http://www.arroyotrabuco.com/calendar.aspx
First Thursday Art Walk, Laguna Beach, Thurs., Jan. 2, 6:00 p.m., member galleries throughout Laguna Beach, including the Laguna Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive at North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, (949) 494-8971, http://firstthursdaysartwalk.com/
Mount of Olives Church SHARE Food Drive on Sun., Jan. 5, (first Sunday of each month) helps families in crisis, http://moochurch.org/share . Mount of Olives Church, 24772 Chrisanta Drive, Mission Viejo, (949) 837-7467, http://www.moochurch.org/
“Ring of Fire” at The Laguna Playhouse, Jan. 7 – Feb. 2, a riveting glimpse into Johnny Cash’s world, with more than 30 of his songs; 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, (949) 497-2787, ext. 1, http://lagunaplayhouse.com
Soka University events, The Peking Acrobats on Fri., Jan. 10, 8:00 p.m.; The Diamonds and Billy Richards’ Coasters on Sun., Jan. 12, 3:00 p.m., Soka Performing Arts Center, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, (949) 480-4278, http://www.performingarts.soka.edu
Mariachis at the Mission, Sat., Jan. 11, 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.; second Saturday of each month, 26801 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, (949) 234-1300, http://missionsjc.com
Laguna Playhouse Winter 2014 Youth Theater, Jan. 14 – Mar. 18, Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Acting Fundamentals classes for children, ages 9 – 11; Musical Theatre for age 10 and older on Fridays, Jan. 17 – Mar. 28, (949) 497-2787, ext. 230, http://www.lagunaplayhouse.com/education/workshops/
La Vida Drum Circle, Thurs., Jan. 16, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m., group meets on the evening of every full moon (Jan. 16, Feb. 14, Mar. 16, Apr. 15, etc.). Drummers should bring their drums. Firewood is appreciated for the bonfire, Aliso Beach, Aliso and Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, (949) 275-7544, http://www.lavidalaguna.com/things-we-dig/
St. Kilian’s Recycling Drive, Sat., Jan. 18, 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, held on the third Saturday of each month. Organized by Knights of Columbus; acceptable items include aluminum, paper and plastic. No glass or cardboard. Lower parking lot, 26872 Estanciero Drive, Mission Viejo, (949) 472-1249, http://www.stkilianchurch.org
Holiday Ice Rink, Irvine Spectrum Center, private and group skate lessons are available, open daily through Feb. 17, Giant Wheel Court, Irvine Spectrum Center, 71 Fortune Drive, Irvine, (949) 753-5180, http://www.skatespectrum.com
Political and Government Events Calendar
Nixon Library concert on Sun., Jan. 5, coloratura soprano Chelsea Lyons. Doors open at 1:30 pm, and the music begins at 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted. “Trains, Trees & Traditions” Special Exhibit with model trains, railroad scenes and Christmas trees runs through Jan. 5, Nixon Library, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, (714) 364-1120, http://nixonfoundation.org/
OC Veterans Advisory Council, Wed., Jan. 8, 6:00 p.m. The council meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Veterans Service Office, Conference Room A/B, 1300 S. Grand Ave., Building B, Santa Ana, https://cms.ocgov.com/gov/occr/occs/veterans/advisory/default.asp
Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees will meet on Wed., Jan. 8, 7:00 p.m., and a special meeting is scheduled for Wed., Jan. 15. The board meets at the district office, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano. Agenda and supporting documentation are published on the website 72 hours prior to a meeting, (949) 234-9200, http://capousd.ca.schoolloop.com/
Mission Viejo Chapter of ACT! for America will hold a General Meeting on Mon., Jan. 13. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:30 p.m., at the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo.
Moulton Niguel Water District meetings: Engineering and Operations on Mon., Jan. 13, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.; Finance and Information Technology on Wed., Jan. 15, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.; Board of Directors on Thurs., Jan. 16, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., MNWD Main Office, 27500 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, (949) 831-2500, http://mnwd.com/board-of-directors-2/
Santa Margarita Water District website has not been updated for January meetings, 26111 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita, (949) 459-6420, http://www.smwd.com
Orange County Board of Supervisors will hold a regular meeting on Tues., Jan. 14, 9:30 a.m., Board Hearing Room, First Floor, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, (714) 834-3100. http://ocgov.com/cals/?ViewBy=7&CalDate=1/15/2013&EventDateID=89649
Saddleback Valley Unified School District will hold a regular meeting of the board on Tues., Jan. 14, 6:30 p.m.; 25631 Peter Hartman Way, Mission Viejo, (949) 586-1234, http://www.svusd.k12.ca.us/
Capistrano Valley Republican Women Federated, Wed., Jan. 15, 9:00 a.m., at the Marbella Country Club, 30800 Golf Club Drive, San Juan Capistrano. CVRWF meets on third Wednesdays of most months. Call (949) 240-6799 for reservations, http://cvrwf.org
Saddleback Republican Assembly, Thurs., Jan. 16, 7:00 p.m. SRA meets on third Thursdays (except in July, August and December) at the Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Jacaranda Room-B, Mission Viejo. For information call (949) 769-1412.
The Buzz
For the lowdown on county politics, read Art Pedrosa’s blog, http://ocpoliticsblog.com/ . His recent articles about OC operative Matt Cunningham have been incisive. Two weeks ago, Cunningham resigned from a county post and lost two county contracts following his display of racism and a lack of respect for grieving Latino families. Cunningham writes attack pieces for politicians and is rewarded for his dirty work with public “consulting contracts” and agency appointments. The OC Register continues to beat around the bush while Pedrosa spells out Cunningham’s offenses: http://ocpoliticsblog.com/lame-oc-gop-chairman-baugh-decides-to-defend-hate-blogger-cunningham/
Also in political headlines is Jon Fleischman, proprietor of the FlashReport, http://www.flashreport.org/ . Fleischman is currently under attack for heading a Political Action Committee that spent $186,000 in 2012 to benefit candidates Steven Choi and Christina Shea in the Irvine City Council race. Fleischman is credited (or blamed) for derailing Larry Agran’s attempt to remain in charge as Irvine mayor and director of the Great Pork board. Fleischman says he broke no laws, and his detractors accuse him of money laundering and conspiracy. The story made the Dec. 29 OC Register’s front page.
OC Supv. John Moorlach wants to spend $10,000 of taxpayer funds on a party to mark Orange County’s 125th anniversary in 2014. Moorlach says a party would attract visitors from outside the county and boost OC business. One can only imagine how far people would drive for a slice of cake and a commemorative trinket. Supv. Todd Spitzer says it would be an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds, and private donors should foot the bill for a party. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/county-594526-meeting-party.html
Six years ago, Mission Viejo City Manager Dennis Wilberg and Assistant City Manager Keith Rattay cooked up a party for the city’s 20th anniversary that cost residents more than $100,000. No one on the council stopped them. As one problem, the council was in the dark about how much Rattay was blowing on a month-long party in which city employees were the primary participants. It was during the year prior to Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht’s getting on the council. When watchdogs saw all the hoopla in city hall, they added up the costs by reviewing public records. Rattay was caught in lie after lie regarding how much was spent. When the city staff gets that far out of control, voters should throw the council majority out of office for not paying attention.
The city council agenda for the Jan. 6 meeting is posted: http://dms.cityofmissionviejo.org/sirepub/pubmtgframe.aspx?meetid=2165&doctype=agenda . Trish Kelley has again been selected as mayor in the rotation that includes everyone except Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht. Mission Viejo residents really should watch at least one council meeting prior to voting in city elections. Note Agenda Item No. 13, “banners for the military.” Council members who support this expenditure should explain how banners and other clutter on medians are essential public services to be covered by taxes. Item 13 specifies that the banner purchase will be “independent” of the city, “except for installation and removal.” The lucrative contracts for constantly rotating banners should abruptly end. Note that “public speakers” who stand at the microphone in support of median junk, city hall parties and other wasteful spending are often on the payroll as city contractors.
Those wanting to serve on the Orange County Grand Jury have until Jan. 24 to complete an application. Grand jurors must be at least 18 years old and U.S. citizens. Visit the website, www.ocgrandjury.org, or call (714) 834-6747.
A humorous video was forwarded by Mission Viejo activist L.L.: “Karl Marx for President.” Watch this clip of an actor gathering signatures in a spoof that takes place in Oceanside. The pitch is “Get Karl Marx into the White House to continue Obama’s support for Communism.” Watch people sign a petition to put Karl Marx on the 2016 ballot. http://www.youtube.com/embed/O0azojPPRhw?feature=player_embedded
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