Mission Viejo Buzz - 09/22/12

The Buzz

ACT for America Chapter Leader Bruce Mayall forwarded a message, “Thanks to a chapter member, here's a link to the full video Dreams From My Real Father. This is an excellent documentary that explains a lot about Barack Obama and makes a very strong case for his real father being Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Communist who was on the FBI's watch list in the 1960s. I urge you to view this in its entirety and share it with others. I bought the DVD awhile back and found it to be a good primer for the current movie 2016: Obama's America.” Here’s the link to the video: http://www.ourcommunistcommanderinchief.com/


The latest presidential poll shows Obama and Romney tied at 46 percent (Rasmussen Tracking poll of 1,500 likely voters, ending Sept. 22). http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/general_election_romney_vs_obama-1171.html


The importance of Tea Partiers was demonstrated last week as a means to hold Republicans accountable. Tea Partiers and other conservative members of the OC Republican Central Committee reminded their fellow committee members to act like Republicans. Shortly after four people on the committee (Mark Bucher, Mary Young, Matt Harper and Ray Grangoff) attempted to bestow the Republican endorsement on Frank Ury and Wendy Bucknum, they got a wakeup call. During the Sept. 17 meeting, the conservatives were prepared to stop such wayward Republicans as Ury and Bucknum from being endorsed. Seeing the numbers lining up, the OC GOP Central Committee decided to stay out of Mission Viejo city politics.


When voters chose OC Republican Central Committee members in the June Primary, did any of those elected think the vote meant “We the people want you to enrich and empower your friends”?


Attendees at the OC GOP meeting on Sept. 17 said council candidate Wendy Bucknum was “fuming mad” when the Central Committee didn’t endorse her. They said Bucknum left in tears. This is a better measure of Bucknum’s professional demeanor than what residents see when she performs at council meetings by reading remarks from the public microphone.


On another blog, the “dark side” supporters of the council majority are clawing the air about unwanted publicity regarding the electronic billboards in south Mission Viejo. Apparently, they cannot stand anyone shining the light on them, so here’s the website again: http://stopthetackylights.com/  Dark-siders’ complaints include a claim the website proprietor paid extra to hide her identity. Are they kidding? She has appeared at council meetings to alert residents of what’s coming. Ury and Bucknum have taken “campaign donations” from a developer proposing the Jumbotron-style billboards.