Mission Viejo NewsBlog - 11/05/05

Mission Viejo NewsBlog

Dedicated to keeping The California Promise

Carl Schulthess, Editor in Chief
Dale Tyler, Publisher

Front Page

You have received this NewsBlog in an email from a friend in Mission Viejo who believes you will appreciate being properly informed about the important issues and events occurring in our fair city of Mission Viejo. We ARE making a difference.

You can help by forwarding this NewsBlog to your friends and neighbors in Mission Viejo

Take a look at the Calender of City Meetings to see what is happening in our City.

If your email program gives you a poor copy of our NewsBlog, please click here and load directly from our website. http://www.missionviejoca.org/News/2005_11_05/2005_11_05.html

If you would like to read this NewsBlog issue on one continuous page, click here.

The goal of the Mission Viejo NewsBlog is to share with our neighbors the knowledge of issues and events that will affect our quality of life and our property values. We will keep an open mind and report only the important news in a fair, balanced and transparent manner. We will endeavor to do this weekly.

Put another way, our agenda is to help make Mission Viejo ALL IT CAN BE.

Issue No. 6 will focus on the Special Election onTuesday, November 8, 2005

Please be sure to VOTE.

We need to get this mess straightened out

Voting Suggestions, From the RIGHT and the LEFT

I am a conservative Christianand spend a lot of time researching the ballot for acceptable candidates and proposition selections. Because of this, I was often asked my ballot opinions and started, many elections ago, to record my choices to give to those who ask. The criteria I use in making selections are described in the following paragraph. If you agree with my criteria, you probably will agree with the results of my research.

For the rest of this Opinion, Click on;

Recommendations From The Coalition of Orange County Democratic Clubs

For the rest of this Opinion, Click on;

CUSD Recall Issue

CUSD – Misdirection?

Leaders of a group formed to initiate a recall of the entire Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees criticized Superintendent James Fleming and the board's decision to post a sign on the bell tower of their new $35-million administration building that the group says misleads the public into thinking the building is for the Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union (OCTFCU) and not CUSD. For the rest of this report, Click on;

CUSD – Where’s the $Money$

I have received a document, which I am including, that spells out where the Capistrano Unified School District has allocated the $65 million in bond funding from Measure A that was passed several years ago. This was a $65 MILLION bond to provide capital for matching grants from the state for new schools and to upgrade the current schools. Guess how much CUSD has allocated for Newhart School -- $720.00. For the rest of this letter, Click on;

CUSD – Bogus Claims??

Capistrano Unified School District Trustee John Casabianca made claims in the Capistrano Valley News in his letter to the editor in the Oct. 27 edition.

One of his statements should certainly be questioned by all the hard-working, fundraising parents. For the rest of this letter, Click on;

CUSD-Newhart Gym: Another Boondogggle

On Oct. 17, 2005, the Mission Viejo City Council decided on a 3-2 vote not to spend city reserves to build a gymnasium at Newhart Middle School. This action came after the State of California refused to grant the city $1 million to pay for part of the facility. In my view, this was the best possible outcome. A number of people spoke on both sides of the issue, with parents of Newhart children and Capistrano Unified staff and administrators predictably on the side of spending the city's money. For the rest of this letter, Click on;

To my fellow Mission Viejo residents:

After the joint-use gym was rejected, I have been thinking a lot about the vote, the need and the context of the situation that we find ourselves in. I think that a nugget of information I found over the weekend is an eye-opener. We need a Mission Viejo resident on the Capistrano Unified School District board! For the rest of this letter, Click on;

Zone Change Issue

Steadfast/Aliso Ridge EIR Update
by Dale Tyler
Based on community input, the City of Mission Viejo decided that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was required to address the expressed concerns of the citizens. The scoping meeting was held Feb. 16, 2005, to provide public consultation on the topics that should be addressed by the EIR.

For the rest of this report, Click on;

Other Opinions

Mission Viejo – A City of Characters

If the city of Mission Viejo has character, residents bring character to the city, not vice versa. To claim city government can or should promote character values has become laughable. Some council members – past and current – appear to be unqualified to preach about character.”

For the rest of this letter, Click on;

Traffic Issues;

The Orange Grove piece in the Register ("Tunnel just 1 of 2 bad traffic plans,” Oct. 28) comes from the pro-tem mayor of a built-out, landlocked city with "no dog in this fight." Laguna Niguel should have been a help when Mission Viejo tried to solve the Avery/I-5 interchange problem years ago. For the rest of this letter, Click on;

Below you will note an editorial subject called Electeds’ Point of View. This is an opportunity for elected officials to explain their motives for a vote on a topic discussed in a previous NewsBlog opinion. If they choose NOT to explain their vote, then it is a fair assumption that they are voting their “campaign contributions.”

During the elections, we will provide FREE space to the candidates to answer pertinent questions and to express their views, provided that they renounce contributions from special interest groups.


Good News Department

The City of Mission Viejo has many ”Points of Light” ranging from city-sponsored events to individual accomplishments of our citizens. The city’s website does a good job of informing us about these “Points of Light.” Click on
http://cityofmissionviejo.org/news/index.html for the details.

Many opinion letters have been ignored by the Saddleback Valley News and have not been published. We promise to publish all pertinent opinions and not stifle any voices.

As the Mission Viejo NewsBlog matures, we will add more editorial subjects as listed below. If you have thoughts as to important subjects, please let us know.

We invite you to contribute to the Mission Viejo NewsBlog by either reporting news or writing your opinion about any subject related to Mission Viejo that is near and dear to your heart. (Note that ALL contributors to this NewsBlog WILL publish their email addresses with their contribution.)

Please forward this NewsBlog via email to ALL your friends and neighbors in Mission Viejo, but also print as many copies as you wish to share with your non-computer friends.

This NewsBlog is operated entirely by volunteers and is distributed weekly at no charge to ALL Mission Viejo citizens via email. At some time in the future, we will add sources of revenue (NO special interests) that will permit some of the staff to be paid for their services.

If you do not want to receive this citizen-operated NewsBlog, please tell the person who sent you this email.

Please consider it your civic duty to let your elected city council members know how you feel about the decisions they are making on your behalf. It is not an accident that their names appear prominently in this NewsBlog. Their votes are key to keeping The California Promise. Only YOU can influence their vote.

Your Elected City Council Members

Trish Kelley
Gail Reavis greavis@cityofmissionviejo.org
John Paul Ledesma jpledesma@cityofmissionviejo.org
Lance MacLean lmaclean@cityofmissionviejo.org
Frank Ury fury@cityofmissionviejo.org

The council as a group may be called at (949) 470-3050

Again, please let your elected council members know how you feel about their actions. Remember, they are accountable ONLY to YOU, a citizen of Mission Viejo. You elect them to office to represent YOU and YOU pay their salary.

The Mission Viejo character word for the month of October is Respect. Insist on just that from your elected Representatives. Insist that they listen to YOU.

Table of Planned Editorial Content

  1. Thought of the week from the Federalist Patriot Carl Schulthess, Editor
  2. City Outlook from the Left
  3. City Outlook from the Right
  4. Mission Viejo Buzz
  5. Electeds’ Point of View
  6. City Council
  7. Planning Commission
  8. Budget and Fiscal Issues Dale Tyler, Editor
  9. Good News
  10. Capistrano Unified School District
  11. Saddleback Valley Unified School District
  12. Home Owners Associations
  13. Seniors
  14. Lake Mission Viejo
  15. Regional Issues related to Mission Viejo

We invite YOU to participate in the creation of this NewsBlog as an editor or contributor for any of the above subjects.

Founders' Quote The Federalist Patriot
No one more sincerely wishes the spread of information among mankind than I do, and none has greater confidence in its effect towards supporting free and good government."-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Trustees for the Lottery of East Tennessee College, 6 May 1810) Reference: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, ed., vol. 5 (521)

The Founders' Quote Daily is a service of The Federalist Patriot; the most widely read conservative e-journal on the Internet. If you would like to have this highly acclaimed Digest of news, policy and opinion, delivered FREE by e-mail to your inbox, link to:

Many good men and women have died in battle so this NewsBlog could be published and we can complain about our government without fear for our lives. Honor those sacrifices by getting involved in YOUR government. Carl Schulthess, Editor in Chief

We are forwarding the following information to those of you in California who we believe may be interested in the California Border Police Initiative and solving the illegal alien problem. You can find additional information online at http://www.calborderpolice.com/

If you want to express your opinion to any of your elected officials, contact them directly at; (The websites listed bring you directly to a feedback form in their website)

US Senator Dianne Feinstein
US Senator Barbara Boxer (619) 239-3884 http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/webform.cfm
US Congressman Gary Miller 949-470-8484 gary.miller@mail.house.gov
State Senator Dick Ackerman (714) 573-1853 http://republican.sen.ca.gov/web/33/feed.asp
State Assemblyman Todd Spitzer (714) 998- 0980
County Supervisor Tom Wilson (949) 249-5228 Thomas.Wilson@ocgov.com

If you don’t like what we are doing in this NewsBlog, please tell us how to improve it.

If you like the direction we are going, please forward this to as many friends in Mission Viejo as possible and sign up for a direct subscription for yourself by Clicking on

Carl Schulthess

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